
Tim Ackerman begins the process of removing a dead seal’s pelt on Friday, Jan. 24, 2025, on the Letnikof Cove shoreline. (Rashah McChesney/Chilkat Valley News)

Five headless seals have washed up on Chilkat Valley beaches in the last few months; here’s possibly why

Local marine mammal hunter weighs says the carcasses offer a glimpse into Alaska’s marine ecosystem.


A female caribou runs near Teshekpuk Lake in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska on June 12, 2022. The Teshekpuk Caribou Herd gives birth to its calves in the land around the vast lake, the largest on the North Slope. (Ashley Sabatino/ U.S. Bureau of Land Management)

Feds will keep large-scale development ban in place on 28 million acres in Alaska

The federal government will continue to prohibit mining, drilling and other forms of development on 28 million acres of federal land spread across Alaska, the… Continue reading


Lady Baltimore, a bald eagle in Alaska who survived a poaching attempt, rests in her Juneau Raptor Center mew on Aug. 15, 2015. (Photo by Michael Haase, republished under a <a href="https://outlook.office.com/mail/safelink.html?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcommons.m.wikimedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFile%3ALady_Baltimore%2C_in_her_habitat.jpg&locale=en-US&wau=https%3A%2F%2FCAN01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com%2FGetUrlReputation&wid=00730A1A-3310-48BA-AB07-9EC288151649&corid=fe4b86a4-d74c-6b07-ee96-c3ad70e72fe9&srcid=db9d34a3-417f-4f35-e51e-08dc89cbd38e&appname=Microsoft+Outlook+Web+App&appver=20240531006.10&os=Windows+11&scdt=2024-06-11T04%3A06%3A03.000Z&pc=SiNIE2UHOqjsTDeXu7Qfyl%252f0MuM1kiKgjDI2DLrLH1JtQskx5i5%252bdCN7xoG7%252fK1PRa6yy%252fZ3XSb1i%252flsuVK3Vg2H8GhlH8EI66vwnIpdMySAeNhuPkGF9oUXcpmLa7wYfp9hYljGPlX%252fSUN0ka%252fb9fuEHTl%252bfeMVuBW0L4IqZfn4gHRu5Ez07auJmxfEe%252fyzlCybtU5MUoj7vmFiXew9dmOaFtr%252f%252bdd17LZaSzB7cB7Tj8KAmKqi%252ftoT4SC80diZ20XyICPcpGppo4wisO2jK4br%252bAjP63uYoLki25GD4vg6DSSzG20omh1G23J5Mq7yBlLkouXe1e%252fJecID3cLJfeijvHoke%252fFySGVtSlX%252bC0yuPc9PBaswFDfPD8y%252bq%252fplEBKO0X%252fIqyibnqn0nCLKAb7C5Y6T%252fILLzAy07ubY6JHVJpxVmgN5nhYoJz4MNCFbSTrI%252bgXG1dJyW6J2s1lZuaC3wxLjKQYLxbxMZHBXXynxwJtpM1t6LenhuuRdIrFoA46%252bhWWG6ktdCHYONSJ06udG9wIbL1hY%252fEt8kuNBMlPVvuDeYerfRKWMDky9QjvrZCq0oOKLYZbfOzjYmQyMo8XmSPPfSCg%252fUSJiroVTfZUB%252fLKWUUPMVcpyrDcG%252bTJfmaDa3HYVORIM04OyCm7D4S1deoPf1%252bl%252bQ6xLjwqr%252bNipW51fespW%252fhPNEdZvYtkEX1WHv0uEXq%252fsfKcJbiYWeoC7HQvc9LSuXxQTixmRbyptbfMCZL3yGoOwfax0o0dr5zRwBB6aByMBxXXnIq6EtkdpCrdK20tdcp10%252f6cgbwSRykCRtWWHjfcin4%252foTuur3I6RhyYTjSBVmmjG86far6r4mu28yX11kGGSwkT068%252fzNolbsJy72QcOwQbEFxExwDPwnCpI5joLpqPPTd5iY7trqLiJEPE5Nq8SF5aVbkJ1ls3KNAH%252bGUKaMLGO0JopoKwd%252bcITA26Og3W5jwkL4vZqwax7zOVJ1QXW0or5msVz1dGhQEPMFHDNoRXA49PqYVp8uhybRod%252bc8HOL9Ardc%252fJyiaFGtYuGJjFILBPJPFvIfhIF1tvyhvXbtJYHTrS2EHPLydOALIXXFQOu02a9Ky7JL16AafcjAKSoNvefUHoox83YCUid70tE6tayBEx1YLPIwe5OmR1TPuH50EUNfPFwVsJPTc%252b5%252fSmGp8LVhh36y1pEcf%252fyEbCFPZYvZuAgux1d%252btAU0%252f%252bDTp4WssPiTZJ7njswKiaMtHqeyithLO2v1ggqi2qeu%252bpPqwRo5owqSW6BNgPCEduo1cJFRBFyfGiUKCcxAjLt%252ba3q7LkYI6ujxsf8oPlyZf4Td7beQ3KgrOo572qp2H%252fBaQCPcRlAiY%252feJCGOqwnIcrnr%252f2C7ovGbjx9D0mzpqEcCojm9b2sRT5uzuM19NsYfRsCghgqnIvBD%252fUaJbj1OMZpuobrqTihpEcMAB2%252bXl32lg3PDC2J%3B+expires%3DWed%2C+12+Jun+2024+22%3A21%3A19+GMT%3B+path%3D%2F%3B+SameSite%3DNone%3B+secure%3B+httponly&urlsrc=Body&msgdata=eyJJc1VybEJlaW5nU2Nhbm5lZCI6IiIsIlVybFdyaXRlVGltZSI6IjYvMTEvMjAyNCA0OjA3OjI2IEFNIiwiQVNEaXJlY3Rpb25hbGl0eSI6IjEiLCJQaGlzaEVkdSI6IjAiLCJNc2dTY2FuU3VzcGljaW9uTGV2ZWwiOiIzIn0%3D" target="_blank">Creative Commons</a> license)

Legends of Lady Baltimore, Juneau’s famous bald eagle, fly on after her death

Rescued bird that became famous Mount Roberts inhabitant euthanized due to failing health.


Wigeon Ponds is one of the areas adjacent to the Mendenhall Wetlands State Game Refuge purchased by the Southeast Alaska Land Trust, which is producing an updated digital map of the entire wetlands area. (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo)

Mendenhall wetlands area to get first new full map since 1979

Change in vegetation, tidal areas, land “rebound” after glacial retreat shown — along with area’s name.

Wigeon Ponds is one of the areas adjacent to the Mendenhall Wetlands State Game Refuge purchased by the Southeast Alaska Land Trust, which is producing an updated digital map of the entire wetlands area. (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo)
Steller sea lions bask on rocks in the Gulf of Alaska on June 29, 2003, with the research vessel Tiglax sailing in the background. Of all NOAA-managed Alaska marine mammals, Steller sea lions were the most frequent victims of human-caused deaths and serious injuries, according to a newly released five-year report. (Photo provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

Steller sea lions top list of Alaska marine mammals killed by human activities

Encounters with humans from 2017 to 2021 killed hundreds of Steller sea lions and other marine mammals that swim in Alaska waters, along with dozens… Continue reading

Steller sea lions bask on rocks in the Gulf of Alaska on June 29, 2003, with the research vessel Tiglax sailing in the background. Of all NOAA-managed Alaska marine mammals, Steller sea lions were the most frequent victims of human-caused deaths and serious injuries, according to a newly released five-year report. (Photo provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
A slate-colored junco awaits release back into the forest after biologists at Creamer’s Field Migration Station noted it was their 2,000th songbird capture of the season. (Photo courtesy of Alaska Songbird Institute)

Alaska Science Forum: Fat Bird Week highlights long flight ahead

At the mist-netting station in the woods at Creamer’s Field in Fairbanks, volunteers and professionals briefly cupped more than 2,000 songbirds in their hands this… Continue reading

A slate-colored junco awaits release back into the forest after biologists at Creamer’s Field Migration Station noted it was their 2,000th songbird capture of the season. (Photo courtesy of Alaska Songbird Institute)
In this photo provided by the National Park Service is Grazer, the winner of the 2023 Fat Bear Contest, at Katmai National Park on Sept. 14, 2023. The park holds an annual contest in which people logging on to live webcams in park pick the fattest bear of the year. Grazer had 108,321 votes to handily beat Chunk, who has 23,134 votes, in the finals on Tuesday. (F. Jimenez/National Park Service via AP)

Don’t mess with this mama bear: Grazer easily wins popular Fat Bear Contest at Alaska national park

When it comes to packing on the pounds to survive an Alaska winter, this year’s undisputed champ is Grazer. Grazer, also known as Bear 128… Continue reading

In this photo provided by the National Park Service is Grazer, the winner of the 2023 Fat Bear Contest, at Katmai National Park on Sept. 14, 2023. The park holds an annual contest in which people logging on to live webcams in park pick the fattest bear of the year. Grazer had 108,321 votes to handily beat Chunk, who has 23,134 votes, in the finals on Tuesday. (F. Jimenez/National Park Service via AP)
This is a photo of the fluke of “Tango,” a humpback whale calf that was found dead on an island near Juneau Friday evening. (Courtesy / Bri Pettie)

Humpback whale calf found dead near Juneau

Body of young male named “Tango” found near Hump Island with injuries.

This is a photo of the fluke of “Tango,” a humpback whale calf that was found dead on an island near Juneau Friday evening. (Courtesy / Bri Pettie)
In this photo provided by the Alaska SeaLife Center, a Pacific walrus pup rests his head on the lap of a staff member after being admitted to the center’s Wildlife Response Program in Seward on Aug. 1. A walrus calf found by oil field workers in Alaska about 4 miles (6.4 kilometers) inland is under 24-hour care as the Alaska SeaLife Center nurses it back to health. The male Pacific walrus was transported across the state Tuesday from the North Slope to Seward in south-central Alaska, where the Alaska SeaLife Center is based. (Kaiti Grant/Alaska SeaLife Center via AP)

‘Cuddling’: Just what the doctor ordered for rescued walrus calf found by North Slope oil workers

A walrus calf is being nursed back to health after being found on its own miles inland by oil field workers in Alaska. The male… Continue reading

In this photo provided by the Alaska SeaLife Center, a Pacific walrus pup rests his head on the lap of a staff member after being admitted to the center’s Wildlife Response Program in Seward on Aug. 1. A walrus calf found by oil field workers in Alaska about 4 miles (6.4 kilometers) inland is under 24-hour care as the Alaska SeaLife Center nurses it back to health. The male Pacific walrus was transported across the state Tuesday from the North Slope to Seward in south-central Alaska, where the Alaska SeaLife Center is based. (Kaiti Grant/Alaska SeaLife Center via AP)
A bear hangs out on a rock during a sunny evening in the Amalga Harbor area in late July. (David Rigas / Juneau Empire)

Two bears in Juneau are breaking into cars again

However, overall incidents in the capital city have been minimal, officials say.

A bear hangs out on a rock during a sunny evening in the Amalga Harbor area in late July. (David Rigas / Juneau Empire)
Brown bears at the McNeil River State Game Sanctuary. (Alaska Department of Fish and Game photo)

Opinion: Let’s make sure the Mulchatna massacre never happens again

I join the many Alaskans appalled by the revelation that state officials in planes and helicopters recently killed 94 brown bears (including 11 cubs), five… Continue reading

Brown bears at the McNeil River State Game Sanctuary. (Alaska Department of Fish and Game photo)
A white butterfly rests upon a fern Saturday at Prince of Wales Island. (Courtesy Photo / Marti Crutcher)

Wild Shots

Reader-submitted photos of Mother Nature in Southeast Alaska.

A white butterfly rests upon a fern Saturday at Prince of Wales Island. (Courtesy Photo / Marti Crutcher)
This photo was taken at Point Bridget State Park. (Courtesy Photo / Nicholette Villarreal)

Wild Shots

Reader-submitted photos of Mother Nature in Southeast Alaska.

This photo was taken at Point Bridget State Park. (Courtesy Photo / Nicholette Villarreal)
The tide was out at Eagle Beach with three snow geese feeding on seaweed. (Courtesy Photo / Kenneth Gill, gillfoto)

Wild Shots

Reader-submitted photos of Mother Nature in Southeast Alaska.

The tide was out at Eagle Beach with three snow geese feeding on seaweed. (Courtesy Photo / Kenneth Gill, gillfoto)
A moose walks into the lobby of the Kenai Cinemas in Kenai, Alaska, on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. (Photo courtesy Kenai Cinemas)

Video of movie theater moose encounter goes viral

As of Tuesday evening, the video had amassed more than 2.3 million views on TikTok

A moose walks into the lobby of the Kenai Cinemas in Kenai, Alaska, on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. (Photo courtesy Kenai Cinemas)
This photo shows Point Louisa at Auke Recreational Area. (Courtesy Photo / Kenneth Gill, gillfoto)

Wild Shots: Photos of Mother Nature in Alaska

Superb reader-submitted photos of wildlife, scenery and/or plant life.

This photo shows Point Louisa at Auke Recreational Area. (Courtesy Photo / Kenneth Gill, gillfoto)
A crow harasses a juvenile eagle during its flying lesson above Channel Heights on July 5. (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carooll)

Wild Shots: Photos of Mother Nature in Alaska

Wild Shots: Photos of Mother Nature in Alaska

A crow harasses a juvenile eagle during its flying lesson above Channel Heights on July 5. (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carooll)
This photo shows the Dec. 19 sunrise. (Courtesy Phoyo / Lauren Verrelli)

Wild Shots: Photos of Mother Nature in Alaska

Reader-submitted photos of Southeast Alaska.

This photo shows the Dec. 19 sunrise. (Courtesy Phoyo / Lauren Verrelli)
This undated electron microscope image made available by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows rabies virions, dark and bullet-shaped, within an infected tissue sample. (F. A. Murphy/CDC via AP)

Overall rabies risk in Southeast minimal, says wildlife biologist

Bats are the main carriers in the Southeast, and as ever there the odds are extremely low.

This undated electron microscope image made available by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows rabies virions, dark and bullet-shaped, within an infected tissue sample. (F. A. Murphy/CDC via AP)
Tents are shown Wednesday, July 6, 2022, inside Centennial Park in Anchorage, Alaska. State wildlife officials have killed four black bears in a campground recently set aside for the city's homeless population after Anchorage's largest shelter was closed. (AP Photo / Mark Thiessen)

4 bears killed in Anchorage campground reserved for homeless

Wildlife officials said before the bears were killed, they were entering tents.

Tents are shown Wednesday, July 6, 2022, inside Centennial Park in Anchorage, Alaska. State wildlife officials have killed four black bears in a campground recently set aside for the city's homeless population after Anchorage's largest shelter was closed. (AP Photo / Mark Thiessen)