Letters to the Editor

Letter: Alaska doesn’t have to be a one-trick pony

Is Alaska a one-trick pony, as one participant in the recent discussion at Centennial Hall about Alaska’s fiscal challenges said?Various countries come to my mind… Continue reading

  • Oct 18, 2015

Letter: Second Amendment rights: Everyone should have a gun

I’m a firm believer in the Second Amendment and this talk of gun restrictions has me deeply disturbed. Now Obama wants to take executive action… Continue reading

  • Oct 16, 2015

Letter: Failure to communicate

Individuals with a cognitive impairment (clients) won a major victory in the Alaska Supreme Court in 1994, but were never told about the failure. The… Continue reading

  • Oct 16, 2015

Letter: Stuff doesn’t just happen

Thank you reporter Alissa J. Rubin and all the other news people who contributed to the New York Times article, published on Oct. 4, about… Continue reading

  • Oct 8, 2015

Letter: Against stricter trapping regulations

I would like to respond to the Oct. 2 Letter to the Editor submitted by Michelle Anderson pleading for stricter trapping restrictions. I will keep… Continue reading

  • Oct 7, 2015

Letter: For education, for Fisk

I have two sons happily attending Gastineau Community Public Elementary School. Their teachers are welcoming, enthusiastic and caring. As I walk down the hall to… Continue reading

  • Oct 5, 2015

Letter: Return Story to school board for another term

Thank you, Andi Story, for your 12 years of volunteer public service on the Juneau Board of Education. For four terms you have been a… Continue reading

  • Oct 5, 2015

Letter: Vote out incumbents and recall the rest

It’s my turn to talk about Juneau’s senior sales tax exemptions. I am only 60 years old, so I don’t get any benefit from the… Continue reading

  • Oct 2, 2015

Letter: Stricter rules needed for trapping

The time has come for stricter trapping regulations across the state of Alaska. There are countless stories of dogs, people and non-targeted wildlife being injured… Continue reading

  • Oct 2, 2015

Letter: Vote for Greg Fisk for mayor

It is my pleasure to express my support for Greg Fisk, candidate for Mayor of the City and Borough of Juneau. I met Greg in… Continue reading

  • Oct 2, 2015

Letter: Senior tax exemption

In the two hours of testimony at a city meeting last Monday, only four or five people approved the changes in the current senior citizen… Continue reading

  • Sep 29, 2015

Letter: Editorial filled with hateful paranoia

My great-grandfather Peter Foy immigrated to the U.S. from County Mayo in the era of “No Irish Need Apply.” He was young, poor and (gasp!)… Continue reading

  • Sep 27, 2015

Letter: US history shows lack of compassion

In response to your Sept. 24 editorial, America isn’t compassionate. Except for brief lapses (“Give me your huddled masses, yearning to be free”), our compassion… Continue reading

  • Sep 27, 2015

Letter: In support of Greg Fisk for mayor

I’m writing to encourage residents to support Greg Fisk for City and Borough of Juneau mayor. Greg is a leader who puts ideas into action and I… Continue reading

  • Sep 25, 2015

Letter: Editorial shows lack of judgement

The author of the Empire’s Sept 24. editorial “Reckless endangerment” should be relieved of future editorial responsibilities. It is so full of hate, hyperbole, insult,… Continue reading

  • Sep 25, 2015

Tulsequah Chief Mine

It is heartening to see BC Minister Bill Bennett visited the Taku River and flew over the Tulsequah Chief mine when he was in Juneau… Continue reading

  • Sep 22, 2015

Senior sales tax exemption

I think it is unfortunate that Mr. Arnold Liebelt, who published a Sept. 20 letter in the Juneau Empire, does not understand why seniors were… Continue reading

  • Sep 22, 2015

Fund Alzheimer’s research

In 2015, there are more than five million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, including 6,400 in Alaska. In addition, there are 15.7 million Americans caring… Continue reading

  • Sep 21, 2015

In support of Fisk

Greg Fisk is an innovative, solution-oriented businessman who would serve Juneau well as its next mayor. I’ve known Greg for years. He raised his family… Continue reading

  • Sep 20, 2015

CBJ – the land of unintended tax consequences

If you are a senior and on a low fixed income, watch out! The City and Borough of Juneau is going to reduce your lifestyle… Continue reading

  • Sep 20, 2015