Annual music and stage play gathering Saturday comes five days after record-high global temperature.
Technical and staffing plans of concert producers not feasible, JAHC executive director says.
10 Indigenous performers scheduled Friday and Saturday at various venues downtown.
Ensemble will feature popular film scores, solo by Dallas Brass trumpet player this weekend at JDHS.
Festival that begins Saturday extended to two weeks and three Southeast communities.
Weeklong event remains free after nearly a half-century “which is unheard of,” board president says.
Weeklong event will feature about 130 acts performing music, dances and workshops.
More than 130 acts scheduled to perform during week of concerts, dances and workshops.
Youth solo winner Cerys Hudson featured on cello concerto notable for its splicing of parts.
Performance by Taku Winds and local students promises brawls, cattle drives and classical concerto.
Familiar trio of groups will feature new players, songs and on-stage collaborations this weekend.
Xmas Bazaar Xtravaganza nearly sold out already, but seeing “The Wind” to live music a breeze.
Concerts this weekend part of resurging “wealth of riches” by choruses and orchestras, director says.
Re-orchestration that replaces string instruments with wind instruments scheduled this weekend.
Works by Hungarian composer featured in solo performance by series’ artistic director.
Five sets by local performers young and old scheduled for first show Saturday.
Local musicians with eclectic styles come together as Muskeg Collective at Cowboy Ball on Saturday.