
(Juneau Empire File)

Letter: Thanks for helping a visitor during a difficult moment

I want to commend Juneau’s citizens for being so kind and caring on Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023. My 25-year-old, autistic daughter, Irina Mumford, had a… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire File)
(Juneau Empire File)

My Turn: Give Dunleavy the same quality of legal defense he gives indigents

As reported recently by the Alaska Beacon, a new regulation approved by the Dunleavy administration will give the governor and attorney general access to free… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire File)
(Juneau Empire File)

Letter: Telephone Hill an opportunity for needed low- and moderate-income housing

While I agree with the sentiments of Telephone Hill residents, I also feel Juneau desperately needs to provide some moderate- and lower-income housing. At 76… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire File)
Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, speaks to media about Israel, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough)

Opinion: Sullivan’s cynical concern about the rule of law

Rather than submit nominations for federal judge positions by the method that’s been used for years, Sen. Dan Sullivan created the Alaska Federal Judiciary Council… Continue reading

Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, speaks to media about Israel, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough)
Juneau Assembly candidates discuss a range of issues during a forum Sept. 12 at the KTOO studio. (Mark Sabbatini / Juneau Empire)

Opinion: After the election where does Juneau go from here?

The dust has finally settled on Juneau’s recent municipal election, and there’s an expectation that our Assembly will start conducting its business more transparently and… Continue reading

Juneau Assembly candidates discuss a range of issues during a forum Sept. 12 at the KTOO studio. (Mark Sabbatini / Juneau Empire)
A rainbow appears over downtown as residents check out rows of electric vehicles at Juneau’s EV & E-bike Roundup on Sept. 23. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: We should all pay more for the privilege of driving

Last month a law charging an annual $200 fee on electric vehicles (EV) went into effect in Texas. The Alaska Legislature needs to enact a… Continue reading

A rainbow appears over downtown as residents check out rows of electric vehicles at Juneau’s EV & E-bike Roundup on Sept. 23. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)
(Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire File)

My Turn: Math and the apportionment of Alaska’s legislative district boundaries

Recently, in response to the news that “we the people” must now pay $400,000 out of Alaska’s public treasury to a plaintiff unhappy with the… Continue reading

(Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire File)
(Michael S. Lockett / Juneau Empire File)

My Turn: Begin decolonization with the body

Indigenous and minority people describe the need to “decolonize” — that society unwinds and redresses centuries of unequal treatment, denial of opportunity, removal, and economic… Continue reading

(Michael S. Lockett / Juneau Empire File)
U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, speaks to a joint session of the Alaska State Legislature at the Alaska State Capitol on Tuesday, April 19, 2022. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Gazing at the stars while democracy burns

“The stars are aligned at long last” to get the Alaska LNG project built, Sen. Dan Sullivan wrote in an Anchorage Daily News opinion last… Continue reading

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, speaks to a joint session of the Alaska State Legislature at the Alaska State Capitol on Tuesday, April 19, 2022. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire File)
A local-mail in ballot is deposited in a drop box. (Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: An election alternative for Juneau — more transparency, more choice

While the City Clerk’s office has done a creditable job conducting Juneau’s recent municipal election, many residents are expressing dissatisfaction with the current vote-by-mail (VBM)… Continue reading

A local-mail in ballot is deposited in a drop box. (Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire File)
A ballot is dropped into a drop box at the City Hall Assembly Chambers on Tuesday, the official date of this year’s municipal election. Certified results are scheduled to be released two weeks later on Oct. 17. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: It’s time to retire the idea of Election Day results

Although I defended voting by-mail a few weeks ago, Win Gruening is right in calling for the CBJ Assembly to take a second look at… Continue reading

A ballot is dropped into a drop box at the City Hall Assembly Chambers on Tuesday, the official date of this year’s municipal election. Certified results are scheduled to be released two weeks later on Oct. 17. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)
(Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: How to protect individuals from financial damage caused by irresponsible elected officials

Most everyone is familiar with how insurance deductibles work: You cover the first dollars out of pocket and then, when the expenses reach the threshold… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire File)
(Juneau Empire File)

Letter: Lack of privacy when voting in person is concerning

Thank you to the election workers that are providing service at each polling location. My experience Tuesday at the Mendenhall Valley Public Library was pleasant.… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire File)
Gov. Mike Dunleavy speaks during an April 27 news conference at the Alaska State Capitol in which options for a long-range fiscal plan were discussed. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Alaska’s rudderless fiscal ship

The Permanent Fund dividend Alaskans are set to receive next week is again a paltry sum compared to what Gov. Mike Dunleavy promised five years… Continue reading

Gov. Mike Dunleavy speaks during an April 27 news conference at the Alaska State Capitol in which options for a long-range fiscal plan were discussed. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)
(Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Does vote-by-mail work? It’s time for a second look

Voting last week in Juneau’s “rolling” municipal election seemed more like a chore that needed to get done instead of the patriotic civic-minded custom I… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire File)
(Juneau Empire File)

Letter: Public should ignore self-interested and cynical opponents of new City Hall

The new City Hall is an important project for Juneau. In plain English, the current facility is crappy and embarrassing. When we visit our local… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire File)
(Juneau Empire File)

Letter: New City Hall was needed long ago

I am pro-new City Hall. I worked for the CBJ in the ’90s and the mish-mash of city offices in various buildings hasn’t changed since… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire File)
(Juneau Empire File)

Letter: Consider moving into a school rather than a new City Hall

I do not support Proposition No. 1. We have already said no to the new City Hall, as proposed, whether it is because of the… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire File)
(Juneau Empire File)

Letter: New City Hall will bring Juneau into compliance with ADA requirements

Accessibility. Inclusion. Empowerment. Collaboration. Integrity. These are the five core values at the foundation of Southeast Alaska Independent Living (SAIL). Our mission is to inspire… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire File)
Courtesy Photo
Faith Myers stands at the doors of the Alaska Psychiatric Institute in Anchorage.

My Turn: Officials falling short in effort to fulfill new law improving psychiatric patient rights

House Bill 172 was signed into law July 15, 2022. State law CH 41 SLA 2022 came about because of a successful lawsuit by the… Continue reading

Courtesy Photo
Faith Myers stands at the doors of the Alaska Psychiatric Institute in Anchorage.