
Senior Menu Oct. 5-9

Juneau Senior Center MenuMonday, Oct. 5Pork Chop SueyRiceSpinach Salad with Mandarin OrangesTuesday, Oct. 6BBQ Beef on a BunMixed VegetablesPotato SaladWednesday, Oct. 7Turkey, Cheese and Tomato… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015

High school coaches thank community for involvement in cross country meet

We want to extend a big thanks to the hundreds of families, volunteers, professionals and friends who contributed to our successful 2015 Region V Cross… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015

Lions Club to collect old eyeglasses

The Mendenhall Flying Lions Club and the Juneau Lions Club will make up the Capital City Joint Sight Committee, which will collect old eyeglasses from… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015

Brewfest gives thanks for support

The Rotary Club of Juneau and United Way extend a hearty thank you to the following businesses, organizations and people who generously supported or helped… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015

Recent Births

Recent births at Bartlett Regional Hospital• A son, Finnegan Boyd McMichael, weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz., was born to Autumn McMichael and Scott Hamilton of… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015
Friends of the Flag took the 50 state flags down Egan Drive Sept. 26.  Left to right top row: George Fisher, Don Beard. Left to right bottow row: Officer Fox, Tom Manning, Donna PAige, Jim Carroll, Tom Gill, Heather Burford, Shari Martin, Jeff Stein, Rick Sypek and Mike Baxter.  The lift came courtesy of Tyler Rental.

Photo: Friends of the Flag

Friends of the Flag took the 50 state flags down Egan Drive Sept. 26. Left to right top row: George Fisher, Don Beard.Left to right… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015
Friends of the Flag took the 50 state flags down Egan Drive Sept. 26.  Left to right top row: George Fisher, Don Beard. Left to right bottow row: Officer Fox, Tom Manning, Donna PAige, Jim Carroll, Tom Gill, Heather Burford, Shari Martin, Jeff Stein, Rick Sypek and Mike Baxter.  The lift came courtesy of Tyler Rental.

Baby Raven Reads: family event

Baby Raven Reads will host a free family event at the Walter Soboleff Building at 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. on Oct. 17.This event is for Alaska… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015

Top ten ways to cope with the rain

Fall in Southeast Alaska means rain. Forget all thoughts of bright fall leaves and crisp evening football games. Let go of your fantasies of moonlit… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015

Sorrell, Murphy to wed

Harmonie Sorrell and Sean Murphy plan to wed Oct. 14, 2015, in Las Vegas while surrounded by close friends, family and their son Gavin. The… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015

Becoming Alaskan: The three degrees of an Alaskan

With summer drawn to a close, street traffic is thinning out, apartments are available for rent (for now), and the seasonal masses have flitted off… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015

Early closure to mountain goat hunting season

Biologists with the Alaska Department of Fish & Game in Douglas on Thursday announced an early closure to the mountain goat hunting season from Eagle… Continue reading

Aramark contract renewed for Glacier Bay park

The National Park Service has selected Aramark Sports and Entertainment Services, LLC, to provide lodging, tour boat, food and beverage and other services under a… Continue reading

NPS selects companies to offer exclusive tours

The National Park Service has selected the businesses that will provide exclusive tours in Glacier Bay beginning in the spring. Five-year concession contracts were awarded… Continue reading

Dockside safety exams encouraged before rule change

The U.S. Coast Guard is urging owners and operators of commercial fishing vessel to get a dockside safety exam before those examinations become mandatory for… Continue reading

Willow ptarmigan

One nice day in September, I walked with a few friends in a subalpine meadow of no-longer-blooming wildflowers with small shrub thickets scattered throughout. A… Continue reading

Dirt Girl: Putting the bed to rest

Summer is over and the clouds have closed in like a blizzard of rain. Now is the time to consider harvesting the last of your… Continue reading

Brooks Range pulsations: My own unsolved mystery

In August and September of 2010, during a long solitary trip across the Central and Western Brooks Range, I heard and felt mysterious pulsations. It… Continue reading

A new season of wildlife on Wednesdays

A new season of Wildlife Wednesdays, hosted by the Southeast chapter of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance, begins this month.First up on Oct. 7 is a… Continue reading

Movie guide

Juneau GOLD TOWNFor complete listings, visit“The Diary Of A Teenage Girl” — Synopsis: Minnie (Bel Powley) longs for love, acceptance and a sense of purpose… Continue reading

Evening at Egan series kicks off Oct. 2

This year marks the 15th season for the annual Evening at Egan fall lecture series at the University of Alaska Southeast Auke Lake campus. The… Continue reading