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Floyd Dryden Middle School first semester honor roll

Floyd Dryden Middle School Honor Roll, Quarter 1, 2018-2019


6th Grade:

Hailee Bauer, Lucy Bennett, Mary Canapary, Bristol Casperson, Liana Gho, Christina Giamakidis, Merrick Hartman, Sofia Henricks, Cerys Hudson, Jonathyn Kestel, Casey Knapp, Elijah Laguidao, Quincy Malacas, Michiko Morris, Kael Nord, Sean Owen, Tessa Polasek, Isabelle Powers, Steffanie Reynoso, Pedrin Saceda-Hurt, Dominic Wery Tagaban

7th Grade:

Antone Araujo, Sydney Bennett, Cameron Brown, Chloe Casperson, William Coronell, Elizabeth Djajalie, Jager Dostal, Stein Dostal, Sierra Epperly, Arlinn Felarca, Lelehua Fujimoto Vertido, Ashlyn Gates, Tristan Guevarra, Hunter Gutierrez, Kaidree Hartman, Elijah Harvey, Joshua Jaenicke, Shayla Jaravata, Caden Johns, Calvin Knapp, Mackenzie Lam, Charlene Lumba, Grace McAdoo, Zoey Moore, Conrad Nauer, Hilary Nguyen, Lance Nierra, Sean Oliver, Sophia Owen, Marlaine Pedersen, Joshua Pierson, Justin Scussel, Ava Severance, Lauren Stichert

8th Grade:

Hailey Ayd, Kelsey Barker, Noah Carriker, Peyton Carson, Sydney Carter, Carlynn Casperson, Maya Chaskin, Mercedes Cordero, Ruby Davis, Elise Duran, Benjamin Erickson, Allesandra Friend, Samuel Kiessling, Ashley Laudert, Samantha Mead, Kiyara Miller, Leora Murray, Aliyah Overturf, Lillian Palmer Stears, Thomas Pearson, Carly Phelps, Keeley Rielly, Aliciana Zamora


6th Grade:

Taiya Bentz, Gerald Blades, Samantha Day, Lillian Ditcharo, Emilia Dodd, Brielle Duran, Asher Fink, Carter Harralston, Trygve Hermann, Ava Jenkins, Javier Jimenez-Gomez, Elijah Keaton, Jacob Katasse, Gracie Kohuth, Jesse Langel, Tiare Maka, Madalyn Mesdag, Owen Neely, Matthias Paden, Loren Platt, Ike Puustinen, Thomas Rice, Jarez Kiel Rotano, Jarez Kyle Rotano, Emmalee Sims, Tannim Shannara, Colby Thomson, Frederick Thorsteinson, Ian Ward, Marzena Whitmore, Owen Woodruff

7th Grade:

Anthony Andersen, Reese Ayd, Charlotte Gomez, Brennen Hafer, Jackson Hanna, Denali Isaak, Jessica Jimenez-Gomez, Aiyanna Lane, Chelsea-Marie Ligsay, Kennedy Love, Myra McAlister, Hannah McNaughton, Desaniel Pensgard-Dugaqua, Cadence Plummer, Angelica Rodriguez, Jayden Rosenbruch, Krishna Sanguni, Samantha Sassi, Aurora Shriver, Jonathan Sleppy, Hali Smith, Kara Strong, Eric Tipton, Elijah Toribio, Anya Tyrell, Abigail Weske, Jake White, Kiah Yadao

8th Grade:

Lyric Ashenfelter, Owen Berger, Zoey Billings, Gloria Bixby, Valery Blackwell, Reese Bunten, Allison Geary, Teslyn Harris, Alex Jenkins, Kaden Jim, Tahila Kuma, Jazlynnne LaChester, Colter Martin, Caleb McDermott, Lukundo Moyo, Aaron Mulgrew-Truitt, Justus Paden, Grant Pierson, Valerie Remsberg, Jasmine Ridges, Madalyn Sassi, Mariah Schauwecker, Lakai Smallwood, Kaelin Tibbles, Maona Tuvaifale, Jemima Verebasaga, Lucas White, Viktor Wilfong


6th Grade:

Lashya Bagoyo, Tatum Billings, Tristan Byford, Justus Darbonne, Darren Dansie, Brandon Day, Katie Elsner, Karsynn Fairclough, Caleb Friend, Emilio Holbrook, Lincoln Johnson, Julian Katasse, Shaelynn Lee, Kevin Leyva, Milina Mazon, Kjell Nore, Triston Oudekerk, Payton Parker, Serenity Peterson, Jadid Polanco, Robert Porter, Gerald Primmer, Stefano Rivera, Sage Schultz, Hunter Shook, Tyler Smith, Jaqueline Smith Russell, Kylee Steele, Oscar Staveland, Mackenzie Terry, Kapualani Toetuu, Ezra Vidal, James Winn

7th Grade:

Iosefa Allen, Serenity Ault, Jackson Beattie, Caden Bishop, Andrew Bixby, Theron Cole, Corbin Corson, Isabella DeFreest, Stephanie Eshanuer, Kacen Fairclough, Anthony Garcia, Steven Gates, Tatum Gende, Kelton Griffith, Taylor Grochowski, Liam Hart, Nina Inventado, Ciara Johnson, Michael Jozwiak, Camdyn Landvik, Jasmine Leatham, Aeryn Locks, Natalia Martin, Rylynn Martin, Dawson Menz, Silvester Montez, Tristan Oliva, Taylor Papka-Gladu, Roland Peterson, Charlee’Michell Quintal, Jamie Quinto, Malachi Rich, Silas Samato, Katelyn Scott, Deborah Shorty, Mason Sooter, Kiana Stephens, Gracie Stickler, Harbor Thomas, Ethan Tobel, Alaiyah Topasna, Brielle Ward, Hannah Watts, Kimberly Whitworth

8th Grade:

Eric Canales Ortiz, Edward Csech, Evan Csech, Chase Darbonne, Hayden Devlin, Hayden Derr, Mariana Felipe, Keegan Grant, Brandon Gurule, Reilley Halverson, Gabriel Hansen, Rory Hayes, Wyatt Jenkins, Maya John-Beavers, Jenna Johnson, Sequoia Kasnick, Trejan Maiquis, Jamie McAndrews, Caden Mercer, Reagan Mitchell, Jenny Peralta, Caden Rebustes, Darion Ridgeway, Piper Robidoux, Kelsi Sell, Ashiya Ware, Nakaiya Williams

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