Letter: Koelsch is a step in the right direction

Juneau seniors, March 15 is an important day. You have a big decision to make. You can choose to support a bloated and wasteful city government that shows no respect for Juneau seniors by selecting Karen Crane as our next mayor. Of course, you stand to lose the rest of your limited sales tax exemptions and possibly your property tax exemption, which Karen and the Assembly want to have the option of eliminating. You may also have to consider relocating to another state where you can live on your limited resources.

The other option is to support Ken Koelsch for mayor. Ken cannot solve all of our problems but he is certainly a move in the right direction. He has demonstrated his support for Juneau seniors and promises to urge the Assembly to be a tad bit more fiscally responsible.

With the state’s fiscal crisis looming on the horizon and the inevitable reduction or loss of our Permanent Fund Dividend and numerous increased taxes, it seems prudent to select someone as our mayor who considers Juneau seniors as a valuable resource rather than a liability. Ken has the right experience and temperament to lead our Assembly.

First, I urge you to get involved and exercise your right to vote, as every vote counts. Second, I encourage you to take a stand and vote as a concerned senior for Ken Koelsch. That is precisely what I intend to do.

Ron Somerville
