Letter: If you find a syringe

We have been finding syringes in our community. They are littering trails, streams, parking lots and even our yards. If you find a syringe you can email the City and Borough of Juneau and they will have someone go out and collect it. The email address is sharps@juneau.org.

CBJ and Juneau Crime Line will also be purchasing small personal syringe containers for the community. Juneau Stop Heroin, Start Talking will be helping to distribute these containers into the community. We will be having a meeting on March 26 from 3-5 p.m. at the Douglas Library to go over safety issues and collection sites in Juneau.

I wanted to say thank you to CBJ and all involved for their quick response to this problem. Rorie Watt, who will become the new city manager, was wonderful to work with and has his heart in our community.

Michele Morgan

Juneau Stop Heroin, Start Talking