(Juneau Empire file photo)

Letter: A plea for peace on Earth — among all involved in indiscriminate killing

This is a season in which many find joy, comfort and hope by celebrating a variety of rich traditions. Unfortunately, a number of wars fester and there is a new flare of violence in the Middle East.

The brazen and brutal Hamas terrorist attack of Oct. 7 was shocking. Attempts have been made to explain its “reasons,” but there can be no validation for the murder and kidnapping of innocent civilians.

Sadly, rather than try a course of diplomacy, Israeli leaders immediately opted for a major military attack on some two million nearly defenseless men, women and children. The carnage has been horrific, with the slaughter and dismemberment of many thousands of Palestinian civilians who were equally as innocent as the Israeli victims.

One atrocity does not justify another atrocity. Polished rhetoric is being used in an attempt to sanctify mass murder, but the “right to self defense” does not extend to blindly killing families and uninvolved neighbors of assailants who have not yet been clearly identified. It is an abomination to suggest that while the murder of masses of noncombatants is tragic, it is in some way acceptable when “following the rules of war.”

The savage killing demonstrates a disregard for human life by multiple political and military leaders. Victims are being treated as commodities, rather than as having unique and precious lives. Words are artfully woven into smokescreens, and prehistoric posturing abounds, but there is no compassion and no conscience visible among those in control of events.

There should be no place for blind vengeance nor for terrorism — whether using a knife or from the cockpit of a F16.

People have a right to demand Peace on Earth now from all who cause, condone and profit from indiscriminate killing. Let us never forget that each little infant has the potential to become a great president, prime minister, teacher, or prophet. Let us protect each child everywhere as if it were our own.

Allan G. Schlicht
