Opinion: Juneau’s public broadcasting is at risk

Opinion: Juneau’s public broadcasting is at risk

Here’s what we can do to save it.

Public broadcasting in Juneau is at serious risk.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy wants to cut the entire state contribution to public broadcasting. That would eliminate the broadcasting stations that are important warm spots of light in the landscape of Alaska. Cultural programming, news, music and community are all at risk.

[Alaska’s radio TV contribution on the chopping block]

What can we do? Two things: First, write and call all our legislators — not just the local ones, who are already on board, but all of them — and write to the governor himself. Be bold and be persistent.

And second, increase your own support of public broadcasting. We intend to double our own modest contributions. If everyone did that, in addition to calling the governor and legislators, we might just save something we value greatly.

Douglas Mertz,


• My Turns and Letters to the Editor represent the view of the author, not the view of the Juneau Empire.