Arts and Culture

Gordon Hirabayashi, as portrayed by actor Greg Watanabe, decides to defy the curfew ordered against all those of Japanese ancestry by the U.S. government. Hirabayashi was one of only three people to challenge the order.

Perseverance Theatre’s “Hold These Truths”

Last year, when Perseverance Theatre selected “Hold These Truths” for the 2016-17 season, it could hardly have been more prescient.Instructive, entertaining and thought provoking in… Continue reading

Gordon Hirabayashi, as portrayed by actor Greg Watanabe, decides to defy the curfew ordered against all those of Japanese ancestry by the U.S. government. Hirabayashi was one of only three people to challenge the order.
The view outside of the Mendenhall Valley Public Library conference room on a late Saturday morning.

National Novel Writing Month: Writers write

As I sit here at the Mendenhall Valley Public Library on a Saturday, the frost outside the window sparkling in rare Juneau sunshine, I think… Continue reading

The view outside of the Mendenhall Valley Public Library conference room on a late Saturday morning.

Study finds three rivers generate millions in economic activity

The McDowell Group released an economic study commissioned by Salmon Beyond Borders on Nov. 17 which found the present value of three transboundary watersheds threatened… Continue reading

Sophomore showcased in Piano Series

The third concert in the Piano Series will showcase Kyle Farley-Robinson, a sophomore at Juneau-Douglas High School.Farley-Robinson has done two concerts in support of the… Continue reading

James Wickersham seated at his desk with law books.

Wickersham a complicated figure

A crowd filled the seats at the Rockwell Ballroom in mid-November as Friends of the Juneau-Douglas City Museum hosted Terrence M. Cole for a talk… Continue reading

James Wickersham seated at his desk with law books.
Aspen leaves and bone.

Art in Unusual Places

The Capital City Weekly welcomes reader-submitted images of art in unusual or unexpected places. Photographers of all levels of ability are invited to send in… Continue reading

Aspen leaves and bone.

Southeast Alaska literary journal seeks submissions

Are you an artist, photographer, or writer who lives in Southeast Alaska? If so, consider submitting your creative work to Tidal Echoes, Southeast’s literary and… Continue reading

Alfie Price, right, Alex Roehl, left, and baby practice Sm'algyax via the "total physical response" method. Nancy Barnes gave commands in Sm'algyax, the Tsimshian language, and everyone around the table did what she asked, with no English.

Juneau Sm’algyax group celebrates one year

A year ago this time, the students in the Sm’algyax Language Learners group in Juneau were reviewing vocabulary in the language of the Tsimshian people.… Continue reading

Alfie Price, right, Alex Roehl, left, and baby practice Sm'algyax via the "total physical response" method. Nancy Barnes gave commands in Sm'algyax, the Tsimshian language, and everyone around the table did what she asked, with no English.

Juried Art Show call for entries

The Juneau Arts and Humanities Council is now welcoming entries for the 2016 Juried Art Show.The 6th biennial Juried Art Show will hang in the… Continue reading

SHI, IAIA, UAS sign Northwest Coast art agreement

Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI) has entered into a three-way partnership with the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA), and the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS)… Continue reading

Paul Theroux keynotes 2017 North Words

After writing nearly fifty books of nonfiction and fiction set in the most exotic of locales, America’s greatest travel writer is finally headed for one… Continue reading

Dick Callahan's got a delicious recipe for roasted turkey, good for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any ol' day.

Woodshed Kings: Bob Franke and Richard Pryor at Thanksgiving dinner

“It’s so easy to dream of the days gone by,it’s so hard to think of the times to come. But the grace to accept each… Continue reading

Dick Callahan's got a delicious recipe for roasted turkey, good for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any ol' day.
A good maul will last generations. Here are two with a stack of recently split wood.

Heating with Wood VIII: Time to Split

The old timers say to split a little every dayAnd stack it away to season well, but from March to November I rarely do rememberDecember… Continue reading

A good maul will last generations. Here are two with a stack of recently split wood.
A visitor looks at "The Timekeeper's Ledgers" by Anchorage photographer Deborah Tharp at the opening of the 2016 Alaska Positive exhibit at the state museum on Friday, Nov. 4.

Alaska Positive opens at state museum, events to come

The Alaska State Museum’s biennial photo exhibit, Alaska Positive, now in its 46th year, opened Nov. 4 with 35 images from 28 photographers around the… Continue reading

A visitor looks at "The Timekeeper's Ledgers" by Anchorage photographer Deborah Tharp at the opening of the 2016 Alaska Positive exhibit at the state museum on Friday, Nov. 4.
The flute quartet Flutatious is performing in Juneau Saturday, Nov. 19.

Flute quartet to perform Bach, Queen Nov. 19

The Con Brio Chamber Series presents “Flutatious and Friends,” a concert of chamber music featuring members of the flute quartet “Flutatious” and a few of… Continue reading

The flute quartet Flutatious is performing in Juneau Saturday, Nov. 19.
A self portrait of Benjamin Haldane inside his photo studio in Metlakatla. Dangeli points out objects that are indications both of his photographic  and musical careers. His arm rests on a model totem, emphasizing his heritage. "He chose to visually connect to his body a model totem pole with his Lax Gibou (Wolf Clan) crest represented by the bottom figure," she wrote. "Both physically and metaphorically, he is supported by Tsimshian cultural values and beliefs and gazes directly at the viewer to assert their importance."  Donor: Melvin Charles, THS

‘Photographic sovereignty’ in Metlakatla

The prevailing narrative has it that the more than 800 people who relocated from Canada to Metlakatla, Alaska in 1887 completely rejected traditional Tsimshian ways.But… Continue reading

A self portrait of Benjamin Haldane inside his photo studio in Metlakatla. Dangeli points out objects that are indications both of his photographic  and musical careers. His arm rests on a model totem, emphasizing his heritage. "He chose to visually connect to his body a model totem pole with his Lax Gibou (Wolf Clan) crest represented by the bottom figure," she wrote. "Both physically and metaphorically, he is supported by Tsimshian cultural values and beliefs and gazes directly at the viewer to assert their importance."  Donor: Melvin Charles, THS
Statehood bonfire in downtown Juneau, 1958.

Treasure Trove of Juneau photos rediscovered

When Kathleen Metcalfe went looking for her own family’s history, she ended up finding a lost piece of Juneau’s: boxes and boxes of slide film… Continue reading

Statehood bonfire in downtown Juneau, 1958.

SHI publishes book of rare photos documenting Inupiat life in the early 1900s

Sealaska Heritage Institute has published a book of old, rare and priceless photographs of Inupiat life in the early twentieth century made by an Inupiat… Continue reading

Sinai by Felix A. Wong.

Q&A with Ketchikan photographer Felix A. Wong about his exhibit ‘Moonshine’

Felix A. Wong, originally from Singapore, is a self-taught Ketchikan photographer with a passion for nighttime photography. This November he has made his debut with… Continue reading

Sinai by Felix A. Wong.
Juneau photographer Chris Miller, right, receives his prize for his Juror's Choice Award photo, "Mendenhall Moulin," center, from MaryLou Gerbi, the vice president of Friends of the State Library, Archives and Museum and Addison Field, chief curator of the Alaska State Museum on Nov. 4.

Chris Miller to give Alaska Positive lecture in December

It was a subject close to home that won Chris Miller the Juror’s Choice Award at this year’s Alaska Positive show — a now classic… Continue reading

Juneau photographer Chris Miller, right, receives his prize for his Juror's Choice Award photo, "Mendenhall Moulin," center, from MaryLou Gerbi, the vice president of Friends of the State Library, Archives and Museum and Addison Field, chief curator of the Alaska State Museum on Nov. 4.