The following editorial first appeared in the Ketchikan Daily News:During the mid-1900s, Texas lobbyists kept their state legislators in line with the “Three Bs” —… Continue reading
I must confess to not being particularly involved in the current national election cycle. I feel a sense of great exasperation every time I peek… Continue reading
In Alaska we have a saying: “Fly an hour or walk a week.”For us, this has real meaning. There are literally hundreds of communities in Alaska that cannot… Continue reading
Rep. Laura Reinbold, R-Eagle River, recently wrote an editorial taking on her colleagues in the Legislature for not cutting the budget enough. Her analysis reflects… Continue reading
I want to start by saying that I am writing this letter from Lemon Creek Correctional Center. I am serving time for a non-violent theft… Continue reading
One of the promises made by supporters of building a new high school were more opportunities for Juneau’s students to become engaged through sports and… Continue reading
The past few weeks have seen some exciting and noteworthy news in the world of Alaskan arts. To start with, an Alaskan has been named… Continue reading
If you believe Rep. Lora Reinbold, R-Eagle River, “little progress has been made on real cost reductions” to the state’s operating budget. She thinks there’s… Continue reading
On April 12, I attended a City and Borough of Juneau Planning Commission meeting during which the construction of a 2.4-mile “pioneer road” on West… Continue reading
For almost two weeks now the Empire has published ads promising readers “more” starting May 1, with the words “Juneau Empire + USA TODAY” printed… Continue reading
British Columbia Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Bennett’s response to Alaskans’ growing concerns about the downstream effects of mining in BC has usually been… Continue reading
“Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.”… Continue reading
It’s a rare thing done well at the last minute. House Bill 379 is not that rare thing.After listening to two days’ worth of testimony… Continue reading
The following editorial first appeared in the Ketchikan Daily News: This isn’t the time to shoot down economic development ideas.Alaska has a $4 billion deficit.… Continue reading
It is amazing how circumstances in life touch you, form you and change your future. As I grew up, I really didn’t understand about loss… Continue reading
In a few short weeks, more than 4,600 students will cross graduation stages all across Alaska and begin the journey into the next phase of… Continue reading
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. It gives us all the opportunity to show our support to survivors of sexual violence, and become part of… Continue reading
Alaska is facing tough economic times. Budgets are being squeezed, workers are being laid off, and families are making due with less. But it’s important… Continue reading
I watched Gov. Bill Walker’s State of the Budget address and the rebuttal from the Alaska Legislature. The Governor said that we need to cut… Continue reading
Another sign of Arctic warming was reported in the Alaska Dispatch last week. According to a new study by scientists from the University of Alaska… Continue reading