The Capital City Weekly welcomes reader-submitted photos of art in unusual or unexpected places. To submit, email your photos and captions to
• The Capital City Weekly welcomes reader-submitted photos of art in unusual or unexpected places. To submit, email your photos and captions to

A totem so high that it reaches the sky towers at Sandy Beach on Aug. 29, 2020. (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carroll)

A sidewalk rainbow brightens up the pavement at Mile 2 of Glacier Highway on Sept. 8, 2020. (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carroll)
This photo shows Northwest Coast art carved into a tree near the top of the Goldbelt Mount Roberts Tram building. (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carroll)

This whimsical drawing was seen on the back of the wall behind the Glacier Avenue soccer field on Sept. 6, 2020. (Courtesy Photo/ Denise Carroll)

Astronauts roast a hot dog on the moon in this piece of artwork seen in a recess that would normally house a window at Juneau Arts and Culture Center. (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carroll)

Scenic designs decorate the Eaglecrest bus for skiers as seen on upper Ninth Street on July 19. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

Whimsical art in a recess where a window should be at the Juneau Arts and Culture Center on July 30, 2020. (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carroll)

This artwork seen in Juneau depicts Black people who in recent years have died in high-profile, violent incidents. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

The sun, shines through a glass panel, duplicating the panel’s Tlingit design onto the downtown sea walk on July 28, 2020. (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carroll)

This photo shows imaginative and colorful paintings on the side of a vehicle in the Eaglecrest Ski Area parking lot, July 7, 2020. (Courtesy Photos | Denise Carroll)
The profile of a mustached person on a golden rock on a North Douglas Beach in this July 24, 2020 photo. (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carroll)

This cow painting as seen on July 24, 2020. adorns the North Douglas Highway (not Old Dairy Road). (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carroll)

This artsy sturdy bench was carved by a chainsaw on Pioneer Road. “Unfortunately, a large old growth tree had to give up its life for this purpose,” writes Denise Carroll. (Courtesy Photo / Denise Carroll)

A painted pebble overlooks Montana Creek on Kaxdigoowu Héen Dei Trail. (Courtesy Photo | Kali Hofman)

A painted pebble overlooks Montana Creek on Kaxdigoowu Héen Dei Trail. (Courtesy Photo | Kali Hofman)

This photo shows imaginative and colorful paintings on the side of a vehicle in the Eaglecrest Ski Area parking lot, July 7, 2020. (Courtesy Photos | Denise Carroll)

This inflatable fellow offers air hugs on Engineers Cutoff Road in this photo shared Monday. “This event happens every day from 3-5 p.m.,” wrote Suki Patterson. (Courtesy Photo | Suki Patterson)

The feathery look of oxidation on a downtown guardrail is seen in this Aug. 8, 2019 photo. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

Sun-ripened mountain ash berries glow in downtown sunshine on Aug. 8, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

Crabs square dance Aug. 8, 2019, near the downtown Juneau seawalk. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)
The last remaining fireweed blossom stands near Seventh Street in this Aug. 9, 2019 photo. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

Fearsome creature guards buildings south of Sandy Beach, July 6, 2019. (Courtesy photo | Denise Carroll)
Fearsome creature guards buildings south of Sandy Beach, July 6, 2019. (Courtesy photo | Denise Carroll)
Fearsome creature guards buildings south of Sandy Beach, July 6, 2019. (Courtesy photo | Denise Carroll)

Seed pods provide a burst of color on a Japanese Maple in this photograph, submitted June 27, 2019. (Courtesy photo | Barbara Belknap)
Courtesy photos | Denise Carroll Above: Sun-dried curling paint forms a colorful abstract pattern on a garage wall in Tok on June 7. Top Right: A decorative metal bird-like windsock blows in the wind in Gas Works Park, Seattle on June 16. Right: Mini cairns decorate a piece of driftwood at Outer Point on June 23. The Capital City Weekly welcomes reader-submitted photos of art in unusual or unexpected places. To submit, email your photos and captions to

A decorative metal bird-like windsock blows in the wind in Gas Works Park, Seattle on June 16, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

Mini cairns decorate a piece of driftwood at Outer Point on June 23, 2019. (Courtesy photo | Denise Carroll)

Trickster raves fly at sunset in this mural seen in Haines Junction on May 29, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

A decorative bird made of wrenches, bolts and assorted tools perches on a garden bed in Haines Junction on May 29, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

Bright colors decorate graves of fallen veterans of Northway, Alaska, along the Alaska Highway on May 30, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)
Handprints bid a bon voyage aboard the deck of the Malaspina ferry on May 29, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

A remnant of last year’s cow parsnip along Sheep Creek Trail on May 17, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

Looking down the throat of a dewy false hellebore along Sheep Creek Trail on May 17, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)
Sea life shapes at the Douglas Island Pink & Chum Macaulay Salmon Hatchery on May 17, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

Patterns and colors on old driftwood along Cowee Creek Trail on May 15, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Kerry Howard)

This dandelion, photographed on May 14, 2019, has already gone to seed. (Courtesy Photo | Kerry Howard)

Dozens of buoys decorate the front porch of this building in Homer on May 10, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Kerry Howard)

A tin sculpture of a bicyclist cruising above a house in Skagway on May 12, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Ray Tsang)

”Hey, where’s my fish?” asked the crow on this fisherman’s sculpture. (Courtesy Photo | Kerry Howard)
The soft feathery look of a lupine bud along the Airport Dike Trail on May 12, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Denise Carroll)

A “big-eyed wooden creature” with a cute smile and a unicorn found near the Skagway cruise ship dock. (Courtesy Photo | Ray Tsang)
Reflections of trees as seen at the Mendenhall Campground on April 26, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Linda Shaw)

Checkerboard pattern on a fritillaria lily at Jensen-Olson Arboretum on May 1. (Courtesy Photo | Kerry Howard)

A furry moss-covered character on a stick along Eagle Glacier Cabin Trail on May 3, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Sandy Williams)