Mayor Merrill Sanford, left, concedes the election to Greg Fisk in the Assembly Chamber Tuesday evening.
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Mayor Merrill Sanford, left, concedes the election to Greg Fisk in the Assembly Chamber Tuesday evening.
Here’s what to expect this week.
Six candidates seeking three seats in Oct. 1 election participate in televised forum Wednesday.
Three cruise companies, Goldbelt give $275,000 of more than $300,000 raised; supporters raise $380.
Eight candidates participate in one-hour forum Tuesday; school board candidate forum at 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Feds say Gov. Dunleavy veto, DEED inaction are to blame for the penalties.
Package for Juneau intercepted before delivery, no hazardous materials reported in incidents.
Housing, flooding, tourism among key issues so far; two more forums being broadcast this week.
Basin now about half full, but should fill more slowly than earlier this year, city manager says.
Navy officials say apologies in Kake and Angoon are both “long overdue” and “the right thing to do.”