A hawk nabs a mouse for dinner in the shrubbery in Harvard Yard, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

A hawk nabs a mouse for dinner in the shrubbery in Harvard Yard, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Wild Shots

Submit your wild shots: The Empire Outdoors page is looking for superb images of Alaska’s wildlife, scenery or plant life. Send your photos to: Outdoors Editor, outdoors@juneauempire.com. For all photos include the name of the photographer, a description of what is shown in the picture, when it was taken and any other pertinent information. Images will run as space allows.

Bubble net feeding near Point Retreat.

Bubble net feeding near Point Retreat.

Resplendent fireweed by Brotherhood Bridge.

Resplendent fireweed by Brotherhood Bridge.

A colorful Townsend's warbler, out the road.

A colorful Townsend’s warbler, out the road.

A blue heron caught a dragon fly while preening in a tree.

A blue heron caught a dragon fly while preening in a tree.

More in Neighbors

Jackie Renninger Park, which is scheduled to receive structural and safety improvements. (City and Borough of Juneau photo)
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Students from Juneau Community Charter School listen to a story at the Skagway Public Library. (Photo provided by Clint Sullivan)
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Donna Leigh is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Courtesy photo)
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Matushka Olga Michael, a Yup’ik woman from Kwethluk. (Photo provided by Maxim Gibson)
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Dining out in Croatia. (Photo by Patty Schied)
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Nick Hanson of the NBC show “American Ninja Warrior” kicks off the blanket toss at the 2020 Traditional Games in Juneau. (Lyndsey Brollini / Sealaska Heritage Institute)
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“Curiosities of Alaska” by Junnie Chup, which won first place in Kindred Post’s 2024 statewide postcard art contest. (Photo courtesy of Kindred Post)
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Tanya Renee Ahtowena Rorem at age 17. (Photo provided by Laura Rorem)
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The Pinkas Synagogue, the second-oldest building in Prague. (World Monuments Fund photo)
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Individual eggplant parmesan rounds ready to serve. (Photo by Patty Schied)
Cooking for Pleasure: Individual eggplant parmesan rounds

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An aspiring knight relies on duct tape for his medieval battle gear during the Master’s Faire on July 16, 2022. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire file photo)
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Fred LaPlante is the pastor at the Juneau Church of the Nazarene. (Photo courtesy of Fred LaPlante)
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