Dan Kirkwood

Dan Kirkwood

What’s happening this week





Raincountry Flyfishers meeting, 7 pm Wednesday, Feb. 10, Thunder Mountain High School library. George Elgee will show slides of fishing the Kobuk River for sheefish, the Wulik River for arctic char and winter fishing on the Situk. Tony Soltys will also present on New England fishing for stripers, blues and albacore.


Adventure Series Presentation: Cycling Europe’s “Rivers Route” with Stephanie Hoag and John Straub, 5–7 pm Thursday, Feb. 11, Cycle Alaska Back Room. Stephanie and John will present Cycling Europe’s “Rivers Route.” Free. Details: http://cycleak.com/bike-shop/test/


Juneau Audubon Society public meeting: “Killer and Humpback Whales: What We Don’t See,” 7 pm Thursday, Feb 11, UAS Recreation Center, room 116. Presented by Doug Jones, adapted from a show he did on whales for tourists last summer. Free and open to the public. Attendees are welcome to share their whale stories after the show.


Fireside Lecture: Behavior of humpback whales and dolphins, 6:30 and 8 pm Friday, Feb. 12, Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center. Details: www.mendenhallglacier.net or 789-0097. University of Alaska Southeast professor Heidi Pearson will present her research on the behavior of humpback whales and dolphins. Free and open to the public. Doors open at 6 pm. Details: 789-0097.


Sound and Motion Arts and Culture Series: Performance by Byron Nicholai, 7 pm, Friday, Feb. 12, Egan Library, UAS. Nicholai, a high school senior from Toksook Bay, blends traditional and modern styles in his music to preserve Yup’ik culture and bring it into the mainstream consciousness. He will also perform at 5 pm Saturday at the Walter Soboleff Building (see below). Details: http://www.uas.alaska.edu/sound_motion/


Valentine’s Arts & Craft Fair, 10 am–6 pm Saturday, Feb. 13, Mendenhall Mall. Handcrafts, art, vintage, clothing, perfumes, make-up, Seahawks products, Kitchen items, jewelry and more. Details: Ginny Martin, 957-1158.


Wearable Arts Extravaganza: Reflections, 7–10 pm Saturday, Feb. 13, and 3 pm Sunday, Feb. 14, Centennial Hall. Doors open at 7 pm Saturday and at 2 pm Sunday. Hosted by the Juneau Arts & Humanities Council. Details: www.jahc.org.




Backcountry Film Fest: Winter Wildlands Alliance, 7–10 pm Thursday, Feb. 11, Rockwell, 109 S Franklin St. Annual set of films and shorts dedicated to the celebration of human-powered winter recreation. All ages welcome. $10 suggested donation, tickets available at the Rockwell.


Saturday Mornings at the Movies! 11 am–1:30 pm Saturday, Feb. 13, Gold Town Nickelodeon Theater. Kids movies and cartoons shown on the big screen in a family friendly atmosphere. All ages are welcome. February show includes selected shorts for all ages from 11-12, with a feature film “EARNEST AND CELESTINE,” rated PG, starting at 12 pm. Baked goods and beverages available by donation in the lobby. A fundraiser for the Juneau Cooperative Preschool. Tickets are $5 per person, or $20 per household, at the door. Children age 2 and under free with paying adult. Details: www.juneaupreschool.org





Tiny Post Office Concert, 7 pm, Thursday, Feb. 11, Kindred Post. With Southeast folk musicians Emmett Williams and Juneau band Goldwing, featuring Clay Good, Dan Desloover, Ben Higdon, and Dan Kirkwood. Doors open at 6:30 pm. See page 20.


Open mic w/ Teri Tibbett, 9 pm Thursdays, Alaskan Hotel & Bar, 167 South Franklin St. 21+, free. Details: www.thealaskanhotel.com


Bluegrass Thursdays, 6:30–8:30 pm Thursday, Red Dog Saloon. Live acoustic bluegrass with Jeremy Kane and Nathan May. Every Thursday starting Feb. 4. Details: www.reddogsaloon.com


Performance by Byron Nicholai, 5 pm, Saturday, Feb. 13, Shuká Hít (the clan house) at the Walter Soboleff Building. Hosted by Sealaska Heritage Institute and the University of Alaska Southeast’s PITAAS program. Nicholai, a high school senior from Toksook Bay, blends traditional and modern styles in his music to preserve Yup’ik culture and bring it into the mainstream consciousness. Everyone is welcome to attend. He will also perform at UAS’ Sound and Motion event Friday evening in the Egan LIbrary (see above).


Opera: “L’Orfeo: The Tale of Orpheus,” 7:30 pm Friday and Saturday, Feb. 12 and 13, and 3 pm Sunday, Feb. 14, Thunder Mountain High School Auditorium. Presented by the Orpheus Project. Featuring music direction by William Todd Hunt and starring Kathleen Wayne as Eurydice and Sumner Thompson as Orfeo. Details: http://www.operatogo.net/ See page 6 for more.


Gospel Workshops with Rev. Bobby Lewis and Eustace Johnson, 6 pm Monday, Feb. 15, through Thursday, Feb. 22, JACC. Community workshops culminate in two Gospel Celebration performances Feb. 21, at 2 pm and 5:30 pm at Thunder Mountain High School. See page 20 for details.




Tlingit Language Learners Group, 6–7 pm Mondays, Downtown Juneau Public Library, large conference room. Interested in learning the Tlingit language? This group, run by Tlingit language learners, is free and open to everyone in the community, regardless of language experience. Details: https://www.facebook.com/groups/234626046736815/ and tlingitlearners@gmail.com


English Classes, 5:30–7 pm, every Wednesday, Mendenhall Valley Public Library, 3025 Riverside Dr. This group will practice speaking, reading, and writing English. Provided by The Learning Connection. All are welcome. Details: www.serrc.org/tlc





Lynn Canal Community Players’ “The House of Bernarda Alba,” 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12. 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13, and 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 14. Chilkat Center. A 1936 play by Spanish dramatist Federico Garcia Lorca. Directed by Haines resident Tod Sebens. See page 7.

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