Lynn Canal Running Camp thanks numerous contributors

The Southeast Road Runners’ 2016 Lynn Canal Running Camp was another successful week of high school running on our world-class trail system. Thank you to the Southeast Road Runners and John Caouette Memorial Fund for ongoing and seed support, for which this camp would otherwise not be possible. Other major funders for 2016 included: the Douglas-Dornan Foundation, Dr. Greg Allen, Hecla Charitable Foundation, Juneau Emergency Medical Associates, Juneau Community Foundation and Valley Medical Care. Thank you to Eagle River Methodist Camp for hosting us each year and a special thank you to Krista Jacoby (and her two, young daughters) for putting up with our noise late into the night.

Scholarships and subsidized camper fees were made possible through local contributors: John P. Bursell, M.D.; Bryce Iverson, MRV Architects; Juneau Physical Therapy; John Walsh and Co.; SSECON Southeast Alaska; and other Juneau individuals such as Chris Francis, Sandi Pahlke, Scott and Denice McPherson and Ben Pinney, D.M.D. Gear West, Rainbow Foods, Nugget Alaskan Outfitter, Picky Bars and Breeze-In provided nourishment through fresh, organic produce, energy bars and gels and delicious bagels. The Forest Service and City and Borough of Juneau, Parks and Recreation Department were gracious collaborators, exposing 43 aspiring runners to brand new trails and adventures.

We would also like to thank Annie Albrecht, Jamie Bursell, Don Bremner, Jenny Strumfeld, Karen Goldbergbell, Mary Aparezuk, Marisha Bourgeois and Geoff Roes for sharing their time and expertise as guest speakers/instructors. Thank you to Zeke Yankee and the Wallace, Taylor-Roth, York, McKenna, Walsh and Norman families for transporting and housing more than one dozen out-of-town campers. Jesse Miller, Andre Bunton, Katie Krehlik, Dylan Anthony, Martina Miller, Nathan Ord and Maddie Hall provided guidance and mentorship as camp counselors while Heidi Hall and Greg Smith, along with Sarah Ginter and Jen Davis, kept all hungry mouths fed and empty stomachs full as heads of the galley. John Nagel, Kyle Hebert and Jeff Machakos guided campers on the adventures through our world-class trail system. We would also like to thank Brian Laurent, SERR Treasurer, for putting up with our many requests, flurry of emails/texts and bombardment of receipts after camp (somebody should pay this guy!).

Thank you, Juneau, for inspiring the next generation of runners. We can’t wait to see what you have in store for 2017!

Merry Ellefson

Hilary Young

Tristan Knutson-Lombardo

Lynn Canal Running Camp Directors

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