We all must stop this monstrosity!

The current U.S. policy of ripping crying children from their parents arms because they are illegal immigrants is pure evil, and must be stopped. These people are children of God, and should be treated with Christian charity and compassion. Every one of us needs to do something to stop this horrible policy. I have specific comments for the various actors:

To President Trump: Have you no decency? You created this policy, and can stop it with the stroke of a pen or tweet. This cruelty will be your legacy and brand if you don’t stop it.

To U.S. Rep. Don Young and Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan of Alaska: Do what you can to stop this. What the heck are you there for if not to stand for basic human decency? Take action, or don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

To all my friends, conservative and liberal: Speak up now to our leaders to stop this cruelty. If you are silent during this moral test, you will also have blood on your hands. We may not always agree, but please take action to stop this!

Every one of us will be judged by what we do, or don’t do, with something this evil. Please stand up!

Robert Welton,
