Thank you for carrying my mother’s name well, Senator

I want to give U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for her courageous vote against the Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal and the Republican “skinny” replacement bill in the early hours of Friday morning. She did not buckle under the pressure and threats from the President as relayed by the Secretary of the Interior. She did what was best for Alaska and her constituency. I also extend my thanks and appreciation to Senators Collins and McCain.

I am a Tlingit Elder from Angoon and currently reside in Juneau. In 2011, I adopted Lisa into my clan and gave her my mother’s name, Aanshaawatx’i, which translates to “Lady of the Land.” The Tlingit culture is a matriarchal society; and just as Tlingit matriarchs nurture, protect and support their family and clan, Lisa has demonstrated her worthiness of the name Aanshaawatx’i as she protects and supports Alaskans and millions of people across the nation. She used the power of her vote in the Senate to consistently vote NO to repeal the ACA without have a plan to replace it that would not hurt millions of Americans. Certainly, there will be backlash from constituents who are displeased and angry; however, I believe this is why so many Nonpartisans and Democrats crossed party lines to write in her name to get her re-elected; she puts the people’s needs before partisan politics.

I am proud of my mother’s namesake, Senator Lisa Murkowski, Aanshaawatx’i, our Lady of the Land. Gunalchéesh (thank you), Aanshaawatx’i. You carry my mother’s name well.

Selina Everson,
