Senators: Put Alaskans first on health care

Recent reports out of Washington indicate that Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate is trying to cram in a health care vote before the Fourth of July recess. While they have yet to share any legislative language or information with the public, the precedent set by the House vote should have all Alaskans concerned about the future of their health care. Make no mistake about it, if President Trump and the dysfunctional Congress have their way, Alaskans will be left with less access to health care and even higher costs. From undermining Medicaid to defunding Planned Parenthood, the risks to Alaskans are very real. Even worse, Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) has made it clear that his attention is focused on party loyalty and partisan talking points, not protecting Alaskans. This means we need Sen. Lisa Murkowski to be the backstop in the Senate. Murkowski has already said she does not believe Planned Parenthood belongs in the health care discussion and has expressed concerns about undermining Medicaid. It is imperative that all Alaskan constituents hold her to these principles. Senator Murkowski is in a unique position of power in the U.S. Senate and we must all encourage her to use that position to protect Alaskans and do the right thing.

Elizabeth Figus
