
Opinion: The Senate candidate who shares my views is Chesbro

Alaska has a smart articulate candidate for the U.S. Senate who shares my values…

The Senate candidate who shares my views is Chesbro

Alaska has a smart, articulate candidate for the U.S. Senate who shares my values — Pat Chesbro, a retired educator from Palmer who’s running as a Democrat.

There are some well-known candidates on the ballot who are well-liked. But I don’t vote for candidates because I like them. I vote for candidates because they share my values. I don’t just listen to their sound bites. I look at their accomplishments and their voting records. I vote my values.

Like me, Pat Chesbro supports and will work for:

■ Reproductive rights. Legal safe accessible abortion, which is supported by the majority of Alaskans.

■ Renewable energy. Harnessing our wind and water to produce low-cost sustainable power and good-paying jobs.

■ Sensible gun regulation. Laws that will help reduce our gun suicide rates in Alaska, which are the highest in the nation.

And much more. See Pat’s inspiring website at chesbroforalaska.com to learn more about who she is, what she supports, and what she has already accomplished.

Early voting in the primary election began Monday, Aug. 1. Please vote, and encourage your family and friends to vote too. Our children are watching, and counting on us to protect their future.

Barbara Learmonth
