Opinion: High-fives to Juneau Community Foundation, Harborview students

Opinion: High-fives to Juneau Community Foundation, Harborview students

Games are enriching the lives and experiences of every student.

Last month the recesses of all of Harborview Elementary’s 300 students became more active, more positive and more inclusive. Thanks to generous funding from the Juneau Community Foundation, Harborview hosted a coach from Playworks, a leading nonprofit that believes in the power of play to bring out the best in every kid.

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In early February, “Coach Meredith” joined us and coached kids and staff on a set of inclusive games, habits to encourage one another and techniques for resolving conflict. In addition, she helped to train a set of “junior coaches” who actively help younger students, and their own peers, to participate in inclusive games. A month after the visit, we have Playworks-inspired games happening every day, students high-fiving one another and “rocking it out” to solve conflicts.

During this season of budget woes, it’s immensely gratifying to receive community support for programs that will enrich the lives and experiences of every student. Gunalchéesh and high fives to the Juneau Community Foundation.

Tom McKenna,

Harborview Elementary School principal

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