Message to Sen. Dan Sullivan

Senator, as a former military man I am sure that you have great admiration, respect, and gratitude, as we all do, for the more than 400,000 U.S. servicemen and women who gave their lives towards defeating the Nazis and white supremacists in WWII.

How then can you continue to support a president that has hired three white supremacists to work in the White House, one, Steve Bannon, as a top adviser?

This travesty must be stopped even if it means getting rid of President Donald Trump. This is far beyond party affiliation. It encompasses our basic beliefs in who we are as a people.

Trump calls Bannon a “good man”. I have no doubt how the WWII dead would vote on that subject.

I urge you to put party politics aside and stand up for America and our pluralistic values.

Steve Wolf, Juneau