Letter: Where my vote goes this Assembly election

I have been a Juneau resident for the last 34 years. I don’t write letters to the editor often, but I am very concerned with what our city is turning into. I think it would be a good idea to get some of our current assembly members out of office and get some new blood in. I will be a senior citizen soon and don’t like where things are headed financially in Juneau.

Before there was the vote on senior tax exemptions I went to a lot of the meetings. On the final meeting the Assembly room was completely full with an overflow in the adjacent room. The assembly thought it was fine to overlook all these peoples’ feelings about not dropping the senior benefits. Mary Becker and the mayor were the only ones who voted for the seniors. Apparently our votes no longer count. We have raised our families here and many of our children are here because of us, yet we are not important.

The Assembly is okay about spending money on a lot of frivolous items but does not want to keep our long-time elders in town. We vote, we volunteer, and we have made this city what it is — although I believe it is now in a decline. Seniors are leaving. In fact I heard on the radio today from the mayor that if we are late asking for our tax exempt refund — which we would get $380 back — we have to pay a penalty of $500. We go backwards $120. None of this makes sense to me. Seniors are just not important any more.

I vote every election. My vote is going to Mary Becker, Norton Gregory and Beth Weldon. I think it is more than time to get some new blood in the Assembly. Some with a little heart toward people on a fixed income and less on art work.

Vicki Torrella
