Letter: Vote for Muñoz

I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for Cathy Munoz’s dedication and work on behalf of the people of Juneau and the State of Alaska. As a constituent of hers, I have found her office open and welcoming. As I have expressed interest on issues, she has been engaged. She has taken on a number of difficult initiatives that have made our state and town better. Whether it is advocating for Erin’s Law or strengthening our child protective services, Cathy is on the front lines making government work for us.

The role of a legislator is as demanding as they want to make it. You can see how some legislators just sit and idle by, going along to get along. Cathy has never done that. Cathy has a reputation of working closely with her constituents to address their problems, doing the homework and background investigation to get the right answer, not the easy one. She is known in the building as a calming influence and hard worker that brings people together and builds coalitions rather than trying to drive wedges in our community. You know that when you ask Cathy where she stands on an issue you will get a thoughtful response, not some knee-jerk, off-the-cuff platitude, which seems to be the standard these days.

As divisive as our politics are these days and as difficult as the issues are, our state needs more folks serving in the Legislature that have Cathy’s concern, talent and compassion for all of Alaska. That is why I am voting for Cathy Muñoz. While others take lazy options, Cathy rises to the occasion.

Tom Brice,
