Letter: Vote for Muñoz

In the decades we have lived here, no one has done as much in the Legislature for Juneau as Rep. Cathy Muñoz. She looks out for state and city employees and jobs, and she understands the economy. She comes from a commercial fishing and toursim background. She was raised here and graduated from our local high school. She looks out for education, labor, housing and the entire region. Her prominence in the Legislature and her membership on the House Finance Committee are essential to all of us as we face yet another federal census and redistricting in just a few years.

Two years ago, Cathy was entirely alone when she proposed adding $3 billion to the retirement trust funds. Her Finance Committee first voted it down. With tenacity she took it through the committee and then both the House and the Senate. Now, whenever either Finance Committee talks anout the state operating deficit someone always congratulates everyone on the wisdom of paying down that liability. Even the recent credit rating write-ups cited it as prudent and conservative management. Had that deposit not been made the state and cities would be paying $1 billion into those trust funds each year just to keep the defiicit from growing.

Please be sure to join us in voting for Rep. Muñoz as we have since 2008. She is the bright light in times of darkness, and she is an essential part of our community come what may. It is our very good luck to have her represent us at this time.

Dorothy and Patrick Owen,
