Letter: Supporting Arnold Liebelt for Assembly

I’m supporting my friend Arnold Liebelt in his campaign for the City and Borough of Juneau Assembly. I believe he’ll do a great job in making difficult decisions that Juneau faces in upcoming budget cutting years, supporting our children’s education needs, and the ongoing housing crisis, while preserving what is best about Juneau.

I’ve known Arnold for over 10 years. We volunteered together on the JDIA youth hockey board for several years and have fun playing hockey in the adult league. While serving together as JDIA president and vice president, we worked together to cut costs while finding creative ways to involve more kids in hockey. Arnold’s fiscal experience at the state Office of Budget/Management, his love of the outdoors and gardening, his “get the job done” positive attitude, ability to listen, and a father of three active teenagers, make him right for a CBJ Assembly seat.

I hope you’ll lend him your support. Your vote, money to help pay for signs and ads, or putting up a yard sign are appreciated. You can also join me going door to door in my neighborhood as I believe grassroots efforts make a difference in Juneau.

Michelle Kaelke,
