Letter: Munoz: I’m driven by the ‘pursuit of fairness’

In my public and private life, the pursuit of fairness and justice drives my work. I have heard and seen many heartbreaking stories in our community, and despite the difficult nature of some, I do my best to help the most vulnerable and desperate. Immigration, child abduction, grandparents raising grandkids, or parents desperate to find healing for drug addicted children are just some of the issues that I deal with on a daily basis.

As a mother of two children, I believe strongly in the protection of victims. I have come to the aid of many who face domestic violence, and I have supported efforts to strengthen our laws to protect the victims of violence. Legislation strengthening laws to protect the victims of sex trafficking, Erin’s Law to put curriculum in all schools for sexual violence prevention, and funding for domestic violence shelters and transitional homes are some of the areas that I have worked.

In an article published on Sunday, it was reported that I wrote a letter supporting a sentencing review of a convicted felon. This is a case that has troubled me for a number of years. In the criminal law code, a convicted person may petition for a sentence review. At the request of the family, I wrote a letter supporting this review.

This has nothing to do with the conviction or any kind of opinion of guilt or innocence. It is a request for three judges to review the sentence.

Due process is a sacred American value. In time, I am hopeful that healing will come for all involved in this very difficult case.

Cathy Muñoz

Representative, House District 34