(Michael Penn / Juneau Empire File)

(Michael Penn / Juneau Empire File)

Letter: Lawful vs. disrespectful treatment of U.S. flag

In response to Art Morris’s comments regarding the difference between disrespect and lawful treatment of the American flag: I am well aware of what is lawful, but my comments were about being disrespectful.

It is lawful to even burn the American flag, but it’s still disrespectful. Try that with the queer flag and you get labeled with a hate crime. My point was disrespect. Art should not be assuming I am ignorant about the laws and due respect the American flag deserves, and that it does indeed symbolize liberty and freedom for all. Including calling it disrespectful to dishonor the American flag in any way, the flag that has draped many soldiers coffins fighting for that liberty and freedom.

We at the American Legion Post 25 established collection boxes to collect soiled and worn American flags at three locations in Juneau. Foodland, Western Auto and Sportsman Warehouse, as well as at the American Legion Post 25 located at 13 mile Veterans Highway. We even collect flags from out of town. Once a year the Post 25 officers and members hold a full honor ceremony at the Post to retire all collected unserviceable American flags.

Tom Dawson

Past commander Auke Bay Post 25

American Legion