Letter: In support of Justin Parish

Change is upon us. You can see it all around. Bob Dylan said it best: “You don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”

Alaska faces a stark future of austere nature. Old Mother Hubbard’s cabinet is bare, not because the wealth of her garden could not provide produce for canning, but before the circumstance of the gardener being bullied by the market. I am not saying that Cathy Muñoz is Old Mother Hubbard; I am saying that we need Justin Parish as a new gardener and cabinet keeper.

I know that Juneau needs a strong, mature, young and vital voice; an accessible person who is new blood in the body politic of Juneau’s complex issues and interests. I believe that Justin Parish is that person.

Your vote for Justin Parish is for the garden.

Daniel Kantak,
