Telephone Hill homes worth preserving Juneau’s history is preserved and told in many ways. A piece of that history is embodied in the historic neighborhood… Continue reading
Imagine if the price of unleaded gasoline increased 20% tomorrow to $4.80 per gallon. Most of us would want to know the cause and expected… Continue reading
Report leaves out “the not-so-pretty.”
This new highway project will be scrutinized differently than others during the past 30 years.
Opinion: How to make Juneau less affordable
Most legislators seem to recognize that this isn’t the commencement of a visionary plan.
To me it seems like simple math.
This is a response to the editorial by David Bugg in the May 3, 2023 edition of the Juneau Empire. First, it is interesting that… Continue reading
HB 61 is a solution in search of a problem.
If locally elected officials fail to recognize these connections, it will exacerbate the problem
Nor does it even make horse sense.
“I want to convey our great disappointment…”
Alaska is 30 years into state budget deficits, borrowing billions from savings to pay the bills.
In honor of Vic Fischer turning 99, I will continue to do my part in making Alaska the Best Frontier
Paying state and local taxes will be part of the household budgets they learn to manage.
Please value any homemaker-moms you know, and not just on Mother’s Day…
In his April 17 column in defense of banning modern sporting rifles like the Armalite 15, Rich Moniak states: ” As I’ve written numerous times,… Continue reading
It’s time to keep our eye on the future…
Everywhere in and near Juneau is vulnerable to cruise business gluttony.