How do porcupines survive winter? A lengthy study provides insights.
We are warming the world tens of times faster than did the ancient volcanoes.
There’s a lot going on under the surface.
Ancient fair-weather trees suggest a very warm period in the far north
Plenty of creatures stirring.
We need to talk about this report card.
There’s another way to be a single parent.
Pointing out the origins of a name.
A mat of old leaves lined the roadway, each leaf fringed with crystals, making a pretty mosaic…
Vertebrates have a broad spectrum of ways to care for their offspring
By Ned Rozell In the deep blue ocean just off the coast of Alaska, killer whales are now communicating with one another with clicks and… Continue reading
An amphitheater of frozen ground thaws where a northern river cuts into it, exposing walls of ice.
In decades of sky-watching in the north, he has seen a few red auroras, but not many.
Trees and other plants are simply shedding what no longer suits them.
“From the center of the Earth to the center of the sun.”
Brown never lost his child-like wonder about the world.
Robins fly more than 2,780 miles between their breeding area in Alaska and winter grounds in Texas.