$17.5M pandemic funding dispute wth state ends; Juneau wasn’t counting on its $90K share.
Fourth graders now are a year behind their 2007 peers in reading and math, author of report asserts.
Juneau gets $5.7M rather than $5.2M from one-time funding boost; free meals set to end this month.
Juneau School District could lose millions for buses, food service, student activities, superintendent says.
Board members asked to fix shortfall so it’s not included in audit, but some uneasy without more review.
Feds say Gov. Dunleavy veto, DEED inaction are to blame for the penalties.
Districts say instructors are leaving because of uncertainty in what is usually a stable profession
Members also consider new food service contract and first increase in school meal prices since 2020.
List to be considered by school board Saturday includes HomeBRIDGE, special eduction, tech staff.
Alaska’s Supreme Court justices on Friday reversed a Superior Court ruling that struck down key components of the state’s correspondence school program. Nearly 23,000 homeschool… Continue reading
Plaintiffs aim to block public dollars benefiting private schools, defense focuses on parents’ rights
Alaska’s Supreme Court hears state’s appeal of ruling that allotments are unconstitutional Thursday.
State officials offered feds a $300,000 compromise instead of $17 million adjustment.
Staff for special education and gifted students, homeschooling, paying off city loan high on list.
Arguments to occur five days before the end of a hold on the lower court’s ruling.
Preference will be given to “successful incumbents” and certified staff, according to district letter.
Consultant for numerous districts in recent years begins new job when consolidation starts July 1.