From space, the Nogahabara Dunes are a splotch of blond sand about six miles in diameter surrounded by green boreal forest. Located west of the… Continue reading
The world would be a little more beautiful if we still shared mixtapes. If you don’t know what a mixtape is, then you weren’t paying… Continue reading
On Monday, U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan gave us another example of his fair-weather fidelity to the Constitution. He said the Supreme Court decision on presidential… Continue reading
On July 4, 1776, a year after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, steeple bells rang throughout Philadelphia. John Hancock, President of the Continental… Continue reading
The spring and summer flower show at Cowee Meadows (way out on the Point Bridget Trail) is always a treat, and the broad uplift meadows… Continue reading
It’s been two months since Alaska Landmine published leaked emails that suggest Gabrielle Rubenstein, vice-chair of the Permanent Fund Board of Trustees, may have violated… Continue reading
You might have seen a recurring conversation online. It goes like this: the woman receives a compliment on her beautiful dress. She responds, “Yes, and… Continue reading
I just read a great shocking and informative article about our treatment of creation. A photo of a field of flowers illustrates the article. The… Continue reading
Most birds build some sort of nest where the eggs are incubated. In many species, the female does that job, and in many others both… Continue reading
“Now more than ever, we need real conservative leadership in Washington to right the ship,” Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom said after earning the endorsement of… Continue reading
Our floatplane cleared the notch in the snowy ridge then turned slightly north as the mountain dropped below us. The pilot gave Mark, Matt and… Continue reading
We would like to take a moment to acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory of the Áakʼw Ḵwáan, the original inhabitants of Lingít… Continue reading
Juneau’s city-owned Bartlett Regional Hospital (BRH) is in the news, presenting our community with yet another challenging situation. According to hospital officials, over the last… Continue reading
Mid-June, and a few days ago we saw a wood duck with two tiny chicks on Moose Lake. Another female with two fluffy ones came… Continue reading
“You guys are the result of thousands of years of selection,” Fran Kohl said. “You haven’t scratched the surface of what you can do with… Continue reading
The cruise ship free Saturday initiative presents us with a modified lesson in Newton’s law of motion. Every action has a reaction whether it’s equal… Continue reading
Have you ever had a small pebble in your shoe? Very irritating, that one small pebble. Have you ever had a bad day? Did a… Continue reading
Spring temperatures were cool this year, but the lengthening days gave birds the signals they needed to start the baby business. By mid-May, a few… Continue reading
“God is wonderful in His saints: the God of Israel is He who will give power and strength to His people.” So proclaims the Psalmist… Continue reading
“Alaska Republicans back Trump after historic conviction in hush money case,” the Anchorage Daily News headline read as if anyone might have expected otherwise. It… Continue reading