Opinion: Why I support the Covington Catholic students

They were the target of vile and obscene taunts and insults.

Opinion: Why I support the Covington Catholic students

The recent incident that occurred near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. between Covington Catholic High School students and protesters once again underscores the knee-jerk reaction of the “make President Donald Trump look bad” mentality of the mainstream media.

Some of the students were wearing Make America Great Again hats and that just simply could not be tolerated by the so-called party of tolerance — the Democratic left. These young people had to be smeared and made to look as bad as possible since they obviously support Trump. The reality is the students were waiting for a bus and did nothing to harass or aggravate the Native American and other protesters. The students were the target of vile and obscene taunts and insults.

During my tour of duty in the U.S. Army, I shot thousands of rounds with various military weapons. In subsequent years, I had no real desire to own something like the M-16 I carried in Vietnam. Sometime during the eight years of President Barack Hussein Obama, I changed my mind. Obama, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and all the rest convinced me that I too should own a military-style weapon. It’s fun to shoot and the ammunition is relatively inexpensive; I definitely know how to disassemble and clean it.

This latest episode has again stimulated me to act — my MAGA hats are on the way!

Michael Koskovich,


• My Turns and Letters to the Editor represent the view of the author, not the view of the Juneau Empire.

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