
Daniel Ellsberg, speaking at a press conference in New York City in 1972. (Public domain photo by Bernard Gotfryd)

Opinion: Ellsberg’s leaking of Pentagon Papers is still a model for truth in the digital age

Daniel Ellsberg, known for leaking a secret study about the Vietnam war to the news media, died last week at the age of 92. The… Continue reading

Daniel Ellsberg, speaking at a press conference in New York City in 1972. (Public domain photo by Bernard Gotfryd)
Fireworks burst over Juneau on July 4, 2022. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Juneau’s July 4 celebrates what is good about America

Growing up in Juneau, and later when raising our own children, our family attended countless Fourth of July parades, patriotic celebrations, and picnics. The holiday… Continue reading

Fireworks burst over Juneau on July 4, 2022. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)
(Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Change in city leadership brings opportunity

With current and projected turnover in city leadership, Juneau citizens might consider new ways to meet the challenges facing the community. Understanding how these challenges… Continue reading

  • Jun 22, 2023
  • By Win Gruening
(Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)
(Associated Press)

Opinion: Time for Xs, Ys and Zs to quit whining and get into voting booths

I am a Baby Boomer. I was born in 1953, pretty much smack in the middle of a half-century long period during which Democrats and… Continue reading

(Associated Press)
Alaska U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski, left, and Dan Sullivan attend a U.S. Coast Guard ceremony in Juneau on June 9. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Comments about Trump by Alaska leaders reflect their level of respect for voters

The comments by Alaska’s top elected leaders to former President Donald Trump’s indictment say a lot about what they think of the public. Two out… Continue reading

  • Jun 21, 2023
  • By Larry Persily
  • Opinion
Alaska U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski, left, and Dan Sullivan attend a U.S. Coast Guard ceremony in Juneau on June 9. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)

Letter: Appreciate the freedom to tell stories, listen and engage

Sincere and multiple kudos to Alexander Dolitsky for his My Turn of June 19, 2023, in his discussion with Rebecca about “What is Freedom?” This… Continue reading

Letter: Hoping for a favorable ruling as king salmon troller season nears

Folks following the Wild Fish Conservancy lawsuit that seeks to shut down commercial king salmon fishing in Southeast Alaska may not be aware of the… Continue reading

Juneau’s current City Hall is outdated, according to local municipal leaders who are hoping voters will approve funding to help pay for a new building. A bond providing such funding was rejected last year. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)

My Turn: Local leaders’ chatter about diversity and sustainability rings hollow

If you pay attention to the workings of the City and Borough of Juneau, one hears a great deal about sustainability and diversity. This is… Continue reading

  • Jun 19, 2023
  • By Joe Geldhof
Juneau’s current City Hall is outdated, according to local municipal leaders who are hoping voters will approve funding to help pay for a new building. A bond providing such funding was rejected last year. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire File)

Letter: A safer alternative to Fred Meyer intersection

Regarding the dangerous intersection for left turns off Egan southbound, I didn’t see anything in your article about simply closing that left-turn lane. Drivers can… Continue reading

  • Jun 16, 2023

Letter: Assembly’s lack of action on short-term rentals irresponsible

I was sorry to read in the paper that the ordinance to register short-term rentals had been sent back to committee instead of being approved.… Continue reading

  • Jun 16, 2023
U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, discusses the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump during a U.S. Coast Guard ceremony in Juneau on Friday, June 9. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire)

Opinion: Sen. Sullivan’s non-defense of Trump

Referring the unsealed indictment of former President Donald Trump, Sen. Lisa Murkowski said “the charges in this case are quite serious and cannot be casually… Continue reading

  • Jun 16, 2023
  • By Rich Moniak
U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, discusses the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump during a U.S. Coast Guard ceremony in Juneau on Friday, June 9. (Clarise Larson / Juneau Empire)
Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, speaks during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Capitol Hill on March 7 in Washington. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Opinion: Sullivan’s complaints about debt ceiling deal reveal hypocrisy about government spending

Before Sen. Dan Sullivan voted against the Fiscal Responsibility Act, he praised House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for “his hard work in getting President Biden… Continue reading

  • Jun 8, 2023
  • By Rich Moniak
Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, speaks during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Capitol Hill on March 7 in Washington. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Letter: LGBTQ+ flag at federal building was proper

LGBTQ+ flag at federal building was proper In response to Tom Dawson’s letter about flying the LGBTQ+ flag on the same staff as the U.S.… Continue reading

  • Jun 5, 2023

Opinion: Empire disrespects the flag

Empire disrespects the flag Shame on you. I am extremely disappointed in the Juneau Empire for running a queer story and showing the queer flag… Continue reading

  • Jun 3, 2023

Opinion: Time to prevent the circular firing squad

Time to prevent the circular firing squad I’m developing an almost vitriolic disdain for any politician (I’m looking at you, “Grand Old Party”) who stands… Continue reading

  • Jun 2, 2023

Rebuttal: Ignell ignorant about realities of Juneau’s housing market

Rebuttal: Ignell ignorant about realities of Juneau’s housing market In the few years that I’ve been reading the writings of self-proclaimed forensic journalist David Ignell,… Continue reading

Opinion: Telephone Hill homes worth preserving

Telephone Hill homes worth preserving Juneau’s history is preserved and told in many ways. A piece of that history is embodied in the historic neighborhood… Continue reading

Opinion: Questionable property assessments by CBJ deserve a grand jury investigation

Imagine if the price of unleaded gasoline increased 20% tomorrow to $4.80 per gallon. Most of us would want to know the cause and expected… Continue reading

(Peter Segall / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Sustainability report is a greenwashing effort

Report leaves out “the not-so-pretty.”

  • May 27, 2023
  • By Matthew Jackson
(Peter Segall / Juneau Empire File)
(Peter Segall / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Considering North Douglas crossing alternatives

This new highway project will be scrutinized differently than others during the past 30 years.

  • May 25, 2023
  • By Rich Moniak
(Peter Segall / Juneau Empire File)