Trapping season in the Juneau area opened Nov. 1 and the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game would like to make sure that dog walkers,… Continue reading
The US Forest Service is hosting a family event at the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 14.… Continue reading
Walter Soboleff Day is Nov. 14, an observance that was made official last year following passage of HB217.The following events have been scheduled in the… Continue reading
EVENTS & PRESENTATIONSAn Evening with John Straley, 6:30–8:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 12, Hangar on the Wharf Ballroom. The Friends of the Juneau-Douglas City Museum will… Continue reading
CathedralThis Sundaythe ocean is my cathedral.The wind, clearly visiblebreaking in random patternacross the wavesis all I need of The Holy One.The Word is being writtenin… Continue reading
The best and worst of science fiction fandom was on display at this year’s Hugo Awards.In protest of what they perceived as a trend --… Continue reading
“The history of the world, my sweet, is who gets eaten and who gets to eat.” – Sweeney ToddBon appétit, Juneau. But beware. The piquancy… Continue reading
Rotary Club of Juneau recently announced its Vocational Service Awards for 2015. Nominated both by club members and the community at large, the following five… Continue reading
A new national writing contest based on writing letters about literature has opened for students in grades 4 through 12. Sponsored by Alaska Center for… Continue reading
The 2015 Award for Excellence in the Museum Field from the Museums Alaska/Alaska Historical Society has been awarded to the State Library Archive and Museums… Continue reading
The Shirly Jackson Community Library in Kake has received a $1,765 grant from the Crossett Fund to help establish an early literacy program at the… Continue reading
ANCHORAGE – In 2003, Alaska’s Rasmuson Foundation launched its Art Acquisition Fund to provide grants to museums that collect current work by Alaska artists. In… Continue reading
On Saturday, Dec. 12, Juneau will host its 9th annual Robot Jamboree, where more than 20 teams from around Southeast Alaska will compete for a… Continue reading
The Alaska State Library is recruiting one VISTA volunteer for Kake and one for Craig (to join a team of two other VISTA volunteers in… Continue reading
Two Southeast Alaskans were among the four recipients of this year’s Connie Boochever Fellowship: photographer John Hagen of Haines and filmmaker Ellen Frankenstein of Sitka.The… Continue reading
Flutist Sally Schlichting and pianist Mary Watson will present a concert of flute and piano music in a benefit for Juneau Alaska Music Matters this… Continue reading
Juneau Lyric Opera and the Gold Town Nickelodeon Theatre have teamed up to present an Opera and Musical Film Festival, featuring classic operas and famous… Continue reading
JUNEAUGOLD TOWN NICKELODEONFor complete listings, visit“Of Men and War” -- Wednesday Nov. 11, and Saturday. Nov. 14. Synopsis: Anger consumes a squad of combat… Continue reading
Jennifer Narvaez swims with her daughters, Mary, 2, center, and Margaret, 4, at the Dimond Park Aquatics Center on Thursday.… Continue reading
Shortly before midnight three years ago, the Department of Fish and Game received word that somebody had spotted a bear between Gee Street and Long… Continue reading