
Gustavus author Kim Heacox wins award for "Jimmy Bluefeather"

Gustavus author Kim Heacox wins award for “Jimmy Bluefeather”

Gustavus author Kim Heacox has won the National Outdoor Book Award for Fiction and Outdoor Literature for his novel, “Jimmy Bluefeather,” published by Alaska Northwest… Continue reading

Gustavus author Kim Heacox wins award for "Jimmy Bluefeather"
Kate Laster performs at a previous Woosh Kinaadeiyí poetry slam.

Woosh Kinaadeiyí to host an Open Mic on Friday Nov. 20

Woosh Kinaadeiyí will host the first event of their sixth season with an Open Mic on Friday, Nov. 20 at 6:30 p.m. The Open Mic… Continue reading

Kate Laster performs at a previous Woosh Kinaadeiyí poetry slam.

Hearthside Holiday event scheduled for Saturday

Hearthside Books will host its 8th Annual Holiday Event at the Nugget Mall on Saturday, Nov. 21. The following authors will be at the store… Continue reading

Juneau teacher named Alaska Teacher of the Year

Amy Jo Meiners, who teaches extended learning at Auke Bay Elementary and Riverbend Elementary in the Juneau School District, has been named Alaska Teacher of… Continue reading

JAHC to host a performance of letters written by famous people

The Juneau Arts & Humanities Council will host “Letters Aloud” at 7 p.m. on Nov. 24 at the Juneau Arts & Culture Center. The performance… Continue reading

Crystal Worl works on a painting at Trickster Gallery during the First Friday Art Walk in August 2015.

Crystal Worl honored with Native artists in Washington, D.C.

Juneau resident Crystal Kaakeeyáa Worl was one of five Native artists honored at a reception in Washington, D.C. late last month hosted by Vice President… Continue reading

Crystal Worl works on a painting at Trickster Gallery during the First Friday Art Walk in August 2015.

Film on the Dauenhauers to be presented Friday

The initial cut of a film based on the lives and work of Richard and Nora Dauenhauer will premiere at the final Evening at Egan… Continue reading

Alaska Historic Canneries Initiative Grant Program announced

The Alaska Historical Society has announced the Alaska Historic Canneries Initiative Grant Program to fund projects that document, preserve, and educate about the history of… Continue reading

Ethel Lund, Aanwoogex' Shtoo.aak, is shown next to a leatherwork art piece by Steven Evans depicting Raven stealing the sun in her Douglas home on Saturday, Nov. 14.

Coffee with Ethel: An Alaska Native leader looks back

When Ethel Lund invited me into her Douglas home, I was expecting a lesson in the Tlingit language or Native land rights or health care… Continue reading

Ethel Lund, Aanwoogex' Shtoo.aak, is shown next to a leatherwork art piece by Steven Evans depicting Raven stealing the sun in her Douglas home on Saturday, Nov. 14.

Girls on the Run coordinator named Hometown Hero by Glamour Magazine

Girls on the Run of Greater Alaska program coordinator Rachel Wintz, 24, was named Alaska’s Hometown Hero in Glamour Magazine’s Woman of the Year feature.… Continue reading

Jessica Auer & Andreas Rutkauskas' Chilkoot Trail (detail), 2014

Chilkoot Trail artist residences accepted through Feb. 1

WHITEHORSE — The Chilkoot Trail Artist Residency Program offers an opportunity for Canadian and American artists to be inspired by the natural beauty and the… Continue reading

Jessica Auer & Andreas Rutkauskas' Chilkoot Trail (detail), 2014

Movie guide

JUNEAUGOLD TOWN NICKELODEONFor complete listings, visit“Coming Home” — Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Nov. 20-22. Synopsis: Lu and Feng are a devoted couple forced to separate… Continue reading

Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute gets new director

The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute has named Alexa Tonkovich its new executive director.Tonkovich previously served as the organization’s international director, supervising its overseas marketing programs.… Continue reading

Floyd Dryden Middle School first quarter honor roll

Floyd Dryden Middle School released its first quarter honor roll.Those who made the ‘All A Honor Roll’ are: Jade Araujo, Maya Araujo, John Barnhill, Reece… Continue reading

  • Nov 15, 2015

Cancer Connection offers ‘Let’s Talk’ program training

Cancer Connection will offer its “Let’s Talk” program training Nov. 17 from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Mendenhall Valley Public Library’s large meeting room. “Let’s Talk”… Continue reading

  • Nov 15, 2015

Baby Box program to be launched in Juneau

Bartlett Regional Hospital Foundation donated $36,036 to Bartlett Regional Hospital’s Bartlett Beginnings on Nov. 10 for the purchase of 400 baby boxes, launching the Baby… Continue reading

  • Nov 15, 2015

Student activism for homeless youth

The Juneau-Douglas High School Interact Club, Thunder Mountain High School Interact Club and JDHS Sources of Strength Club will host the annual Homeless Awareness Sleep… Continue reading

  • Nov 15, 2015

JFH&BC gives thanks for fundraising help

The Juneau Family Health and Birth Center expresses great gratitude to our friends and supporters following our first Dinner and Cabaret Night at Salt. The… Continue reading

  • Nov 15, 2015

Recent Births for Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015

Recent births at Bartlett Regional Hospital• A daughter, Athena Daisy Mae Orendorff, weighing 8 lbs. 14 oz., was born to Larenda Hinson and Robert Orendorff… Continue reading

  • Nov 15, 2015

Girls on the Run coordinator named Hometown Hero by Glamour Magazine

Girls on the Run of Greater Alaska program coordinator Rachel Wintz, 24, was named Alaska’s Hometown Hero in Glamour Magazine’s Woman of the Year feature.… Continue reading

  • Nov 15, 2015