
Jacqueline F. Tupou is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Juneau. (Courtesy photo)

Living and Growing: A life hack for holiday happiness

Do you wish you were more happy? Do you see others experiencing joy and happiness and wonder how they do it? Or is your life… Continue reading

Jacqueline F. Tupou is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Juneau. (Courtesy photo)
Pumpkin cheesecake with a pecan crust being served. (Photo by Patty Schied)

Cooking For Pleasure: Pumpkin cheesecake with a pecan crust

For those of you who struggle with trying to figure out how to bake pies and also put a turkey in the oven on Thanksgiving… Continue reading

Pumpkin cheesecake with a pecan crust being served. (Photo by Patty Schied)
(Photo provided by Adam Bauer)

Living and Growing: Spiritual foundations for mental health — a Bahá’í perspective

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory of the Áakʼw Ḵwáan, the original inhabitants of Lingít… Continue reading

(Photo provided by Adam Bauer)
Page Bridges of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Juneau. (Photo courtesy of Page Bridges)

Living and Growing: The healing power of art

I found this awesome quote about art from Googling: “Art has the power to move people and evoke emotions that words can never do justice… Continue reading

Page Bridges of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Juneau. (Photo courtesy of Page Bridges)
Finished Mexican cornbread loaf with roasted green chiles and cheese. (Photo by Patty Schied)

Cooking for Pleasure: Mexican cornbread loaf with roasted green chiles and cheese

Many years ago when I lived in Tucson, Arizona, I was lucky enough to have neighbors of Mexican descent who were great cooks. From them… Continue reading

Finished Mexican cornbread loaf with roasted green chiles and cheese. (Photo by Patty Schied)
(Juneau Empire file photo)

Living and Growing: A list of do’s to reclaim Shabbat

To be silent the whole day, see no newspaper, hear no radio, listen to no gossip, be thoroughly and completely lazy, thoroughly and completely indifferent… Continue reading

(Juneau Empire file photo)
“Princess Sophia” stranded on Vanderbilt Reef, Oct. 24, 1918. (Alaska State Library Historical Collection, ASL-P87-1700)

Living and Growing: The storms of the Fall

Psalm 19 1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows his handiwork. 2 One day tells its tale to another, and… Continue reading

“Princess Sophia” stranded on Vanderbilt Reef, Oct. 24, 1918. (Alaska State Library Historical Collection, ASL-P87-1700)
Sheet pan tomato soup garnished and served. (Photo by Patty Schied)

Cooking For Pleasure: Sheet pan tomato soup

Whenever I get my hair done at Salon Cedar, owner Brendan Sullivan and I talk about food nonstop. During my last visit he shared with… Continue reading

Sheet pan tomato soup garnished and served. (Photo by Patty Schied)
(Image by the New Jersey Division of Elections)

Gimme A Smile: Halloween/Election Day merger

We’ve got a couple of important holidays coming up: Halloween and Election Day. But the budget is tight with all this inflation, so I don’t… Continue reading

(Image by the New Jersey Division of Elections)
Brent Merten is the pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in Juneau. (Courtesy photo)

Living and Growing: The eye of the needle

One day, a rich young man approached Jesus, asking him what he had to do to inherit eternal life. He was convinced that he could… Continue reading

Brent Merten is the pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in Juneau. (Courtesy photo)
Cookie jars in the shape of a house and a mouse are among the more than 100 vintage jars being being sold as a benefit on Saturday, Oct. 26, at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. (Photos by Bill Andrews)

Neighbors events, announcements and awards for the week of Oct. 20

More than 100 vintage cookie jars on sale during Oct. 26 benefit for church More than 100 vintage ceramic cookie jars are being sold as… Continue reading

Cookie jars in the shape of a house and a mouse are among the more than 100 vintage jars being being sold as a benefit on Saturday, Oct. 26, at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. (Photos by Bill Andrews)
Jennifer Moses is a student rabbi at Congregation Sukkat Shalom. (Photo provided by Jennifer Moses)

Living and Growing: Joy after sorrow during celebration of Sukkot

As you read this column Jews around the world are preparing to celebrate the holiday of Sukkot, or Booths. It is the Jewish equivalent of… Continue reading

Jennifer Moses is a student rabbi at Congregation Sukkat Shalom. (Photo provided by Jennifer Moses)
Nine-hour pork roast ready for serving. (Photo by Patty Schied)

Cooking for Pleasure: Nine-hour pork roast with crackling

For a few months now I have been craving an old-fashioned pork roast, one with the skin on that gets real crispy, sort of like… Continue reading

Nine-hour pork roast ready for serving. (Photo by Patty Schied)
Laura Rorem. (Courtesy photo)

Living and Growing: The power of real hope

Highly compatible, Larry and my strength was in our ability to merge our individual gifts into one, which enhanced our ability to discern God’s will… Continue reading

Laura Rorem. (Courtesy photo)
Twin rainbows are seen from the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center on Wednesday. (Laurie Craig / Juneau Empire)

Neighbors briefs

Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center shifts to winter hours The Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center (MGVC) transitioned to winter hours Oct. 1, with exceptions on days when… Continue reading

Twin rainbows are seen from the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center on Wednesday. (Laurie Craig / Juneau Empire)
(U.S. Forest Service photo)

Living and Growing: Common ground. Common kindness.

I write this piece from the perspective of one who believes in God and who tries (and fails regularly) to follow Christ. I do believe,… Continue reading

(U.S. Forest Service photo)
A clean home is a cozy home. (Photo by Peggy McKee Barnhill)

Gimme A Smile: Procrasti-cleaning anyone?

I just wiped off the tops of my washer and dryer, and then went back with a damp cloth to purge every bit of dust.… Continue reading

A clean home is a cozy home. (Photo by Peggy McKee Barnhill)
Green salad with blackberries, pecans, pears and blue cheese. (Photo by Patty Schied)

Cooking for Pleasure: Green salad with blackberries, pecans, pears and blue cheese

This is an unusual salad that I love to serve as a first course for a company dinner. The slight bitterness of the greens are… Continue reading

Green salad with blackberries, pecans, pears and blue cheese. (Photo by Patty Schied)
Priest Maxim Gibson is the rector at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Juneau. (Photo provided by Maxim Gibson)

Living and Growing: Restored icons — image and likeness

This past month at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, we had the great blessing to see two of the holy icons on our iconostasis restored,… Continue reading

Priest Maxim Gibson is the rector at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Juneau. (Photo provided by Maxim Gibson)
Roger Wharton is former Episcopal priest in Juneau. (Courtesy photo)

Living and Growing: 10 things you can do to be happy

What is happiness? What makes you happy? Can you increase your happiness? These are very interesting and current questions, especially in times when loneliness is… Continue reading

Roger Wharton is former Episcopal priest in Juneau. (Courtesy photo)