Team Waldon Trolls shows off their sandcastle, “Elephant Playing Checkers with a Troll,” which was awarded first place in the sandcastle competition sponsored by the Douglas Fourth of July committee on July 4, 2021. (Courtesy photo/Zane Jones)

Douglas Fourth of July Committee shares winners

The committee sponsored a wide range of contests

The Douglas Fourth of July Committee announced these winners following July 4 holiday festivities :

2021 Children’s Parade Winners

— Bikes boys: Ivan Odenheimer

— Bikes girls age 2 -7: Ayla Henry

— Bikes girls age 7-12: Canon Cryderman

— Tricycle: Luke West

— Boys stroller: Ezra Ford

— Girls stroller: Natalie Indreland

— Soapbox car: Solvei Prows

— Boys character: Ansel Resneck, who was dressed as an astronaut

— Girls character: Imogen Resneck, who was dressed as Belle

— Patriotic character: Clara Malueg

— Group entry: The James Family

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2021 Douglas Parade Winners

— Judge’s Choice: Magic Bubbles

— Most Beautiful: Territorial Sportsmen

— Best Car: Juneau-Douglas Shriners

— Best Commercial: Forest Service

— Best Cultural: One People Canoe Society

— Best Marching Band: Juneau Volunteer Marching Band

— Best Musical Group: City of Juneau Pipes and Drums

— Most Patriotic: Tie between Southeast Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol and Auke Bay American Legion and the VFW Taku Post 5559

— Most original: Treadwell Ice Arena Doug Zambony

PHOTOS: Juneau celebrates the Fourth of July

Field Events

10-yard dash, age group 2 years


— First: Norah Habeger

— Second: Lita Luchini

— Third: Not reported


— First: Ben Fisher

— Second: Leo Marcelino

— Third: Corbin Germain Toupin

10-yard dash, age group 3


— First: Olivia McDonnell

— Second: Isla Taintor

— Third: Poppy Pennycook


— First: Emmett Heimbigner

— Second: Lincoln Herman

— Third: August Ferguson

20-yard dash, age group 4-5


— First: Sage Allred

— Second: Eden Fisher

— Third: Acacia Forbes


— First: Canon Rubenack

— Second: Kalon Herman

— Third: Tullie Williams

30-yard dash, age group 6-8


— First: Chloe Haube

— Second: Eddy Roters

— Third: Imogen Ewing


— First: Weston Powers

— Second: Tucker House

— Third: Not reported

40-yard dash, age group 9-10


— First: Nixie Schooler

— Second: Camryn Rubenack

— Third: Miriam Satre


— First: Jack Pegues

— Second: Atlas Suewing

— Third: Gunnar Depriest

60-yard dash, age group 11-14


— First: Evie Bigelow

— Second: Emma Fellman

— Third: Kaia Mangaccat


— First: Matthew Plang

— Second: Zachary Friedman

— Third: Meade Suewing

3 Legged Race, age group 10-12


— First: Finley Dean, Hannah Dean

— Second: Adde Fanning, Riley Soboleff

— Third: Ruby Ewing, Jules Powers


— First: Rise Hart, Logan Fellman

— Second: Surim Pyare, Atagan Hood

— Third: Eli Dean, Kai Mesdag

3 Legged Race, age group 13 and over


— First: Selah Dean, Evelyn Dean

— Second: Sara Lee, Toni Hagan

— Third: Mikayla Neal, Emily Delgado


— First: Darnell Bolanos, Ammon Kawakami

— Second: Talon Briggs, Azure Briggs

— Third: Nathaniel Habeger, Dan Ewing

Sack Race, age group 5-7


— First: Marlow Teske

— Second: Maddie Wiard

— Third: Ruby Flarry


— First: Junior Hagan

— Second: Vance Murray

— Third: Chance Hogland

Sack Race, age group 8-10


— First: Brook Taintor

— Second: Paige Bigelow

— Third: Hannah Dean


— First: Santino Travasso

— Second: Rowan Taintor

— Third: Arie Wilson

Sack Race, age group 11-14


— First: Evie Bigelow

— Second: Emma Fellman

— Third: Evelyn Dean


— First: Logan Fellman

— Second: Rise Hart

— Third: Hayden Soboleff

Sack Race, age group 15 and over


— First: Sara Lee

— Second: Toni Hagan

— Third: Mikayla Neal


— First: Ammon Kawakami

— Second: Sage Richard

— Third: Roel Mangaccat

3 Legged Race

Parent and Daughter

— First: Emma Fellman, Jason Fellman

— Second: Azure Briggs, Joey Roters

— Third: Evelyn Dean, Josh Dean

Parent and Son

— First: Tie between Talon Briggs, Joey Roters and Logan Fellman, Jason Fellman

— Second: Not reported

— Third: Eli Dean, Josh Dean

40-yard dash


— First: Jen Dean

— Second: Andrea Florendo

— Third: Toni Hagan


— First: Joey Roters

— Second: Josh Dean

— Third: Not reported

60-yard dash

All Women

— First: Evie Bigelow

— Second: Jasmin Holst

— Third: Emma Fellman

All Men

— First: Talon Briggs

— Second: Kurtis Lee

— Third: Joey Roters

Soap Box Derby Results

Overall fastest time: Mikhail Venezhuk, 15.50 seconds

Age Group, 5–6

— First: Madeline Hill, 16.06 seconds

— Second: Finnegan Hansen, 16.57 seconds

— Third: Leadonna Castillo, 18.37 seconds

Age Group 7–8

— First: Mikhail Venezhuk, 15.50 seconds,

— Second: Tavio Snyder, 16.16 seconds

— Third: Mariko Richey, 16.76 seconds

Age Group 9–10 years

— First: Chelsea Hill, 15.77 seconds

— Second: Aaro Eckerson, 16.34 seconds

— Third: Ila Malstrom, 16.7 seconds

Sand Castle Competition

— First: Waldon Trolls for “Elephant playing checkers with a Troll”

— Peoples Choice: Shipwrecking Sirens

— Best classic sandcastle: Kim Smith team

Clara Malueg, 4, scoots around the Douglas Public Library parking garage on Saturday, July 3. She would go on to win an award for dressing as a patriotic character in the Douglas Fourth of July Parade. (Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire)

Clara Malueg, 4, scoots around the Douglas Public Library parking garage on Saturday, July 3. She would go on to win an award for dressing as a patriotic character in the Douglas Fourth of July Parade. (Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire)

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