(Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire File)

(Ben Hohenstatt / Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Senate Bill 63 emboldens the dereliction of promoted duty

As a 25-year Alaska resident and vested member of an organized human purpose (that, of “seeking fulfilled happiness” individually, and as a community-state-nation of organic human beings), the unreasoned, delinquent, insane hypocrisy of Senate Bill 63 simply emboldens the dereliction of promoted duty by its sponsors, as many candidates lack virtue in their promotion — deceived in the belief monetized power is the end-all in life — to sponsor such waste. Waste of what little precious time and resources with which the divine ‘“reason-for-all” has endowed us, and waste of that for which our Constitutions assures each so alleged!

Anyone who anticipates a crisis of state, or national emergency as the proper time to procure a sidearm is also duped into believing the commercial economy and its synergistic wealth will still sustain product availability?! If the economy remains functioning, the mission and reason for our state and federal Constitutions are as valid as the oath we bore/swore to protect, and it is the duty of that oath that we commoners, and those promoted to govern us, ensure the peace (and tranquility) of society, unless insurgency be the intent?!

Would not, in this case, suppose SB 63 a Constitutional revocation, as well as a vehicle to codify criminality?

John S. Sonin,


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