Opinion: I’m encouraged by congressional candidates

Opinion: I’m encouraged by congressional candidates

Here’s why.

I’m encouraged by congressional candidates

I came of voting age just in time to cast a vote for John F. Kennedy in 1960. I felt more mature than I was, but I also felt real love for America. I felt another surge of enthusiasm during the Jay Hammond years in Alaska. In 2008, I felt it stronger than ever in Obama’s election.

Now, after the darkest years I can remember, I feel another surge of optimism in the emergence of Alyse Galvin and Dr. Al Gross as future leaders in Congress, Alyse replacing Don Young in the House of Representatives and Dr. Al replacing Dan Sullivan in the Senate. In Alyse and Al we have two intelligent candidates who are true Alaskans who believe in science and facts. As independents they can better represent what we Alaskans ask of them and that is to defend our interests instead of those of any one political party.

I plan to cast my votes for these two candidates as soon as possible, either by mail or otherwise.

Richard Stokes,
