Letter: Private enterprise, not government, to blame for road project management

I read Randy Brown’s May 23 Letter to the Editor with interest as a resident of Douglas Island and one affected by the circus at the bottom of the Juneau side of the bridge.

Where I would take issue with Mr. Brown is in his placement of blame. When I go by that road work, I don’t see Department of Transportation logos on the sides of the trucks. I see Secon Construction logos.

Granted, DOT should be supervising Secon managers much more closely, particularly now that they’ve demonstrated their inability to competently manage a road project. But the decisions that affect Juneau commuters are being made by Secon Construction, not DOT. Mr. Brown makes the easy and common mistake of blaming the government for unnecessary problems caused by a private company.

This episode is proof of the old truism: If you want it done half as well at twice the price, get private enterprise involved.

Yours truly,

Donald R. Douglas,
