Graham rally reporting missed the message

I am disappointed in the reporting on the Franklin Graham Prayer Rally. It is sad that the main theme of the message was left out.

Mr. Graham came to the capital of Alaska, as he visits all 50 states, to call the nation to prayer and to seek the face of God in repentance and forgiveness for our sins. He reminded us of the desperate condition our country finds itself. He called the crowd to confess individual sins, family sins and national sins. He then led the crowd in several sessions of prayer which include praying for our state legislators, the governor, lieutenant governor and our law enforcement officers.

He never endorsed any candidate or party but reminded the Christians of their privilege and responsibility to vote and to participate in the political process. And as minister of the gospel he shared the Good News of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He (Jesus) came to provide for forgiveness of our sins. He then gave an invitation to anyone in the crowd who wanted to decide to follow Jesus to pray with him. This was the message of the Decision America 2016 campaign in spite of those who attempted to distort it and make it something that it was not.

There was no hatred or name calling during this rally but a calling of God’s people to humble themselves, confess their sins and pray in order that He (God) would heal our land.

Euming Suewing,
